¿Pueden los animales y árboles mostrar empatía y altruismo?
La empatía es una parte genuína de nuestra propia naturaleza. De hecho, podemos mejorar esta cualidad entrenando nuestro cerebro a través de la práctica de la meditación enfocada en la atención plena y la bondad amorosa. Pero, ¿somos los humanos los únicos seres capaces de mostrar esos trazos positivos de bondad, compasión y empatía hacia […]
Rôle des Initiatives Individuelles dans le processus du développement
Dans la société humaine, il y a toujours un flux de nouvelles idées, de nouvelles innovations, de nouvelles manières de faire et des initiatives individuelles. Tous ces facteurs peuvent occasionner un changement radical dans la vie des gens. Ces mêmes facteurs peuvent susciter un changement dans la façon dont les gens conçoivent le monde. On […]
Turn off autopilot, be a warrior with an open heart
Habits, morning routine, places we go out to eat, the behaviour towards our partner – this all can slip into an autopilot mode. To be mindful and turn off this mode means to be a warrior with an open heart. Sometimes the battle is against being on autopilot mode, which due to its familiarity, can be quite […]
Sete maneiras de descobrir a chave da sua felicidade e paz interior
“Uma noite, um homem que voltava para casa encontrou um vizinho sob uma lâmpada de rua, procurando por algo ocupado. -O que acontece com você? – perguntou o recém-chegado. – Eu perdi minha chave e não consigo entrar na casa – respondeu o outro. – Eu vou ajudar você a procurar. Depois de um tempo […]
14 Ways My Self-Transformation Happened Through Meditation
Since I started meditating on daily basis, I have had a profound and positive personal transformation. Here is what I learned since I started to meditate: 1) I understand that everything I do has an effect or consequence in the outside. If I think, speak and behave with positivity and optimism, the universe will answer […]
Small Things To Be Thankful For
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” —Oprah Winfrey In today’s society, people generally capitalize on the importance of things that are huge. We regularly see in the media people praise celebrities for donating a large amount […]
Look Inwards, Act Outwards
Personal growth happens from the point where we can be at peace with difficult questions, with thoughts that are troubling us, from the moment we can celebrate good qualities without the rise of ego. It happens when we allow the space to apply certain methods to find out what our passion and mission is. In […]
How can meditation benefit your 5 senses?
When was the last time you enjoyed a meal alone without an electrical gadget by your side? When was the last time you went to sleep without your cellphone? When was the last time you listened to your 5 senses? For me personally, it’s been a long while now. I can’t nearly imagine eating or […]
What Helping Others Taught Me About My Life
I don’t like the word philanthropy. I really don’t. Maybe this word for me responds to the fact that I despise what I don’t understand (and I am pretty sure it stops here). What is really philanthropy? I am lucky enough to speak Greek, so I can understand the two words that create this word. […]
Can Trees and Animals Show Empathy and Altruism?
Empathy is a genuine part of our own nature. Moreover, we can improve this quality by training our brain through the practice of focused meditation, mindfulness and loving kindness. But, are humans the only beings capable of showing these positive traits of kindness, compassion and empathy towards our fellows? What about other living beings, like […]