How Mindfulness Can Irreversibly Change Your Life
So what is mindfulness? Everybody uses this term, but do we really know what it means? A mindful person is someone who lives in the present while calmly accepting their feelings and thoughts, and uses them as a therapeutic technique. Living in a state of mindfulness is not something you can achieve overnight. It’s not […]
El Cuidado Psicológico o de la Mente
Nuestros elementos humanos necesitan mantención. La teoría de la meditación entiende que nosotros, como seres humanos, estamos compuestos por cuerpo y mente que se relacionan entre sí como el software y el hardware lo hacen en la computadora. Sabemos, además, que si no le prestamos mucha atención a cualquiera de esos elementos, surgen enfermedades y […]
Here Comes Love Again… Wait, Really?
On desiring infinity while experiencing finitude. Thoughts on love. Part I. In our practical life, we love people, pets, stuff, nature, art etc. We experience this feeling not only in romantic contexts but in many others – or at least we can be open to feel love in multiple ways. However, the fact that we love […]
Práctica Local, Amor Global: una guía para Tiempos Líquidos
Sobre mantener la cordura en tiempos de cambios. Parte III (parte I, parte II) Cuando vivimos experiencias transformativas tales como un viaje importante, cambiarse de país, comenzar una nueva carrera profesional, ser padre/madre, enamorarse o desenamorarse, dejamos de ser “alguien”, el que éramos antes, y entramos en una nueva dimensión de nosotros que es desconocida […]
Do I See Myself From The Right Angle?
How to stand your ground when you feel you have lost yourself? Or when you are sitting and wandering why this is happening to me, why I can’t be free from the pestering thoughts. Let’s all take a deep breath and a step backward! When we are sitting too close, we often can’t see the whole picture. Some […]
How Peru Going To Football World Cup Can Inspire You To Meditate
My generation did not see Peru in the World Cup. Last time Peru went was June 1982. I was exactly 20 days of birth when the Football World Cup began. Of course, I can´t remember it. But what I remember since being very little is the expression “I will do when Peru is going to Football World […]
No Perderé Mi Agarre – Nota Desde la Conciencia
Sobre mantener la cordura en tiempos de cambios. Parte II. (parte I aquí) Si hay algo en lo que diferentes filosofías, cosmovisiones, sistemas espirituales y cosmologías coinciden respecto de la realidad, es que el cambio es la única certeza en este mundo. Impermanencia lo llaman en Oriente, cambio en otros lugares. Como sea que esto […]
I Won´t Lose My Grasping – Note From Consciousness
On staying sane in times of change. Part II. (part I here) If there is one thing in which different philosophies, worldviews, spiritual systems, and cosmologies coincide regarding reality is that change is the only certainty in this world. Impermanence – name it in eastern philosophies, change – in other places. However you understand this, […]
Who Are You When Things Change?
On staying sane in times of change. Part I. Although we live our lives with a considerable degree of certainty regarding of who we are and the roles we play in our family and society, there are moments in which our own self seems foreign to us. We either feel that we have kind of […]
Embracing Obstacles in Meditation and Spiritual Path
What happens if we understand obstacles as an essential part of our spiritual path? Then, how to learn to forgive if nobody hurts us? How to love even the “enemy” if we did not meet it yet? How to practice acceptance if everything seems so easy in life? The ones that are in this path know that […]