Mindfulness Meditation right at your fingertips!
You want to meditate, yet not sure where to start? Thanks to technology, we have, now, several Apps and devices that bring you this precious practice right at your fingertips… your phone. Caption this: “We have apps that can offer you mindfulness practices, enable you to set a reminder to meditate, and actually record […]
How to Overcome Anxiety in the Digital World
Technological advancements in the areas of communication have given us the ability to process colossal amounts of information in a short period of time. Smartphones and tablets ensure that you are constantly in touch with the world around you and your many social networks. Recently a hot topic of discussion has been the impact that […]
De-Stress And Self-Express Through Colouring Books
In the past few years, colouring books have become a popular trend, and many people are surely buying them and sharing them as gifts. In this article, we will explore how colouring can be beneficial to your mind and what makes it so popular. Like meditation When we do anything with our hands, the attention […]
How Changing Meditation Place Can Affect Your Experience?
Every day I wake up in the morning, I realise how blessed I am to be alive and healthy. After I have sent my prayer, the second thing that I look forward to is meditation. It highly helps me get through the day without over-reacting to any situation that can tamper me in any way. […]
4 Easy Ways To Release After-Office Stress
Once we get into the economic society and establish a daily routine, our life becomes pretty predictable: wake up, shower, dress, eat breakfast, go to office, come back home. How do you feel once your work day is over? Do you sometimes find yourself still thinking about the work when you could actually be giving […]
Need A Break from A Stressful Week? Turn to Your Favorite Comfort Food
Food is one of the greatest pleasures of life. The sheer pleasure of sitting down with a plate of your favorite foods, combined with a related activity that ranges from the highly social (sharing a meal with others) to the ultimately antisocial (curling up alone with a movie, TV show, or a book), is unrivaled […]
4 Ways Spending Time With Your Immediate Family Benefits You
The contemporary lifestyle is very demanding and has several facets which need to be catered to simultaneously. According to modern standards, a person must remain vigilant and conscious about several things which include social status, health, beauty, a promising career, a happening social life, and so on and so forth. Attempting to satisfactorily achieve all […]
Eating Healthy On A Budget
Many people have stated that high costs are one of the biggest reasons why they hesitate to eat healthier meals. Eating nutritious foods is essential for living healthy, but so is managing your expenses. There are several things that you can do in order to eat healthy on a budget. 1. Do not Buy Prepackaged […]
Mi Lucha Interna Del Día A Día: Practicar Ashtanga Yoga
Cada mañana suena la alarma a las 6:00 a.m. Sin abrir los ojos y, supongo que en ese lapso de solo algunos segundos, recurren a mi mente mil y un pensamientos y excusas para no levantarme. Finalmente abro los ojos y mi primer pensamiento consciente es “PAIN” en español “dolor” (y es en inglés por […]
Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Indigestion
Whether you’re experiencing severe symptoms that disrupt your daily life or you just have a lingering discomfort, indigestion can completely pull you out of the present moment. And though these conditions are common topics, many people suffer from heartburn and other forms of indigestion for years without finding a solution that works for them. In […]