Loving Yourself While Always Improving
Today, we’re digging deep into a topic that’s near and dear to our hearts – the delicate dance between loving ourselves and the relentless pursuit of self-improvement. It’s a balance that can sometimes feel like walking on a tightrope, but don’t let that discourage you! In this adventure, we’ll unravel the magic of cherishing who […]
9 good habits that can improve your mental health
Your mental health is often the only aspect that is neglected during tough times. While trying to keep up with education and job, business and friends, romance, and fitness, there is a solid possibility of an individual losing sight of their mental and emotional health. Under the circumstances the planet has suffered because of the […]
How do you love yourself?
If I got a penny every time I felt stuck or down, I would have become a millionaire! OK, that is a metaphor! In other words, life was showing me I really had to work on this and I did not find it easy to do so. I tried to convince myself that yes, this […]
¿Qué es el amor incondicional?
El amor incondicional es “el tipo de amor que podemos dar de forma ilimitada sin condiciones; es la presencia de bondad amorosa en la vida por la vida.” En los primeros años de la vida, aprendemos que el amor es condicionado; utilizado como una recompensa a un buen comportamiento, con lo que al pasar del […]
Be a Relationship Catalyst
Who are you really? This is the question that has made many of us get to where we are today. If we are not the body and we are not even the mind, who are we really? We are created with a name, not the one our parents gave us at birth, but the name […]
Honra tu verdad y siéntete feliz
Los seres humanos llegamos al mundo con total pureza y con la verdad más sincera de quiénes somos. Llegamos como un vaso completamente vacío que a medida que nos hacemos mayores, vamos llenando con mensajes que escuchamos de nuestra mente condicionante.
Being A Woman: No One Told Us What Empowerment Is About
Being truly herself is the most empowering, enriching and loving experience that a woman can have (we can add “a man” here too). And at the same time, it is something that we need to learn. It may sound strange to think about “learning to be yourself” because one is supposed to be oneself all […]
You’re Good Enough, And Always Have Been
If you’ve ever struggled or still struggle with loving yourself, know that you are not alone. And more importantly, know that there’s nothing wrong with you for feeling this way. In a world full of pressures and expectations, it is easy to feel less than. It is easy to compare ourselves to others or seek […]
Master your mind and faster the success in your life
Having a balance life is what I am always searching for…After getting my master degree following 4 years of study in China, I was full of energy, big dreams, ambitious plans and high expectations about the life I had ahead of me. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out as I had expected (not that happy); after […]
Retour vers soi, une voie de la liberté
Je suis curieuse de savoir comment les choses que nous connaissons aujourd’hui, seraient-elles si on ne nous les avait pas décrites à l’avance.. Je me demande que serait le monde, si chacun de nous avait la liberté de suivre sa propre voie, d’être ce qu’il est sans pression sociale ou jugement, est ce qu’on choisirait […]