NO To Pessimism

NO To Pessimism

In my language Kirundi, we say "Ntawutanga ico adafise" which means, you cannot give what you don’t have. This is similar to how Peace Revolution project envisions peacebuilding  with its PIPO …
Planting the Roots of Happiness and Peace

Planting the Roots of Happiness and Peace


I have always considered myself to be lucky. I was born in a loving family, I’ve never had health issues, I’ve always enjoyed the company of great friends, I’ve been able to pursue the career I chose and I ‘ve had the opportunity to develop all the hobbies I dreamt of. However, many times I struggled to be happy like if having all these things wasn’t enough.

Peace In, Peace Out in Bangladesh with South Asian Youth Society

Peace In, Peace Out in Bangladesh with South Asian Youth Society

They say “you cannot find peace in Google as peace is inside”. Once we have established peace within ourselves we can spread it to our surroundings. This is the premise behind the inner peace workshop arranged by South Asian Youth Society (SAYS) on 2nd of October 2014 at the EMK Center, Dhaka. The event Peace In, Peace Out was a unique initiative by any youth group in Bangladesh as it incorporated lectures and guided meditation as a means to cultivate inner peace.



At some point of life many of us encounter existential questions. We rush like crazy trying to find the answers right now, right here, always somewhere outside: in books, in advices, in money, work or parties. We fight to get these answers and become angry, unhappy, lost. Sometimes we even give up and go with the flow. It feels like being one of those hamsters running in a lump. But the truth is, that the answers come whenever we stop seeking for them, when we calm down and look at ourselves from aside.