Dances of Universal Peace
A crowd of people in a circle, meditative music, simple dance movements, and mantras from a wide variety of world faiths all meld together… Attending a Dance of Universal Peace is an unforgettable experience. In hundreds of dances across the globe, people around the world gather in spiritual centers, churches, schools, therapy groups, and even […]
يقول الله عز وجل: “لَن تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ”. المعطي؛ اسم من أسماء الله الحسنى، ويروى أنّ رسول الله (ص) ما سأله أحد شيئًا إلّا وأعطاه. للعطاء أنواع عدّة، ففي بعض الأحيان يكون المُعطَى علمًا أو مالًا أو جاهًا أو دمًا أو جهدًا أو وقتًا. فالسلوك الإنساني والتعاطف مع الآخر وإعطائه الوقت لسماع شكواه […]
Don’t believe all your thoughts!
What you hope for in life, does it tend to happen? Take a moment to think of your dreams. How much time do you allow for concrete and specific actions and act to make them happen? Living life governed by habits creates comfort, ease and also an autopilot mode decisions. It is when we no […]
Why Everyone Needs to Practice Meditation
Based on my own experience as a meditation trainer, people wonder a lot about when and why one needs to maintain meditation practice. Should that also be a misunderstanding of what meditation is all about? Possibly. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, meditation means, “engage in contemplation or reflection, or to plan or project in […]
Beyond Happiness, Above Rainbow
I remember way back while in high school, I would get sick just from worrying. I had a harsh inner critic that challenged most of the things I did and planned to do. It was very easy for me to appreciate and admire others but seldom did I find anything I did good enough. Even […]
Look Inwards, Act Outwards
Personal growth happens from the point where we can be at peace with difficult questions, with thoughts that are troubling us, from the moment we can celebrate good qualities without the rise of ego. It happens when we allow the space to apply certain methods to find out what our passion and mission is. In […]
If happiness is contagious, then what makes you happy?
Have you heard that happiness is contagious? Well, there are a few empirically proven studies by behavioural and social scientists suggesting that happiness is not only contagious but it is also positively impacted by the people around. Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard Medical School in his study on ‘dynamic of spread […]
Know Your Passion To Lead a Happier Life
Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have. To access and manifest the best version of ourselves, we first need to look inside with honesty and apply careful and persistent effort. Learning as much as we can about our passion and mission in life is directly related to the amount […]
Honra tu verdad y siéntete feliz
Los seres humanos llegamos al mundo con total pureza y con la verdad más sincera de quiénes somos. Llegamos como un vaso completamente vacío que a medida que nos hacemos mayores, vamos llenando con mensajes que escuchamos de nuestra mente condicionante.
How I started my Journey to Inner peace
How does it feel to ask for something and then, somehow, in some way, it’s given to you? How does it feel when you just need it and then you have it? How does it feel when your inner voice is heard by the universe that conspires to make you accomplished? What if what you […]