Pratique o desapego

Pratique o desapego

A sociedade moderna se encontra em um estado de busca de prazeres e satisfação pessoal. Estamos diretamente condicionados a valorizar o que é novo, excitante ou romântico. Assim, criamos a sensação de apego. Agarramos a algo sem largar se é aquilo que gostamos, em contrapartida, descartamos e/ou desejamos ficar livres daquilo que nos incomoda.

Can Meditation Help You Better Deal With Depression?

Can Meditation Help You Better Deal With Depression?

Yes it can. Thanks to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) studies it has been established that practising meditation contributes to reducing activity in the amygdala, as a study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience underlines. So, meditation affects that area of the brain governing stress response and often linked to feelings of unhappiness and stress.

Indian Kindness: the Man Who Offered Me Coffee

Indian Kindness: the Man Who Offered Me Coffee

“It will cost you 2200 rupees, ma’am,” a shopkeeper says.

“2200 rupees for an adapter?” I ask once more, and I am not sure whether those are the rupees that worry me or the fact that this comes in the worst time possible: my life in India is unsettled as never before, I am jobless, I have debts to pay, and I have not yet found my own place to stay. Not to mention the internet.

Does your wandering mind create anxiety?

How to Reduce Anxiety?

Can you recall the last time you felt anxious? What was that related to? How did you feel at that moment? We all go from time to time to short-term anxiety. Is this useful, I would ask? Does being anxious help you better cope with ambiguity and clarity? That is a question for you to let sink and observe what happens in your daily life.

Mindfulness and meditation workshops in Budapest, Hungary

Mindfulness and meditation workshops in Budapest, Hungary

In February Peace Revolution, represented by Peace Architect Manuela Puscas, went to beautiful Budapest for the first time. Over 120 people of amazing diversity joined the events, from fifth graders and students to university professors, hypnosis and Gestalt therapists, yoga teachers, economists and other professionals, trainers, social workers and local NGO members.