Did you know that you can practice Yoga online for free?

Did you know that you can practice Yoga online for free?

Have you been thinking about regular yoga exercise but did not know where to start? We always recommend to start with the teacher first, but if in some case live classes are absolutely out of your reach (you live in on top of a hill or you work 12 hours a day), then we encourage you to try online. Starting a yoga practice of just 10-20 minutes a day can bring about a lot of beautiful changes to your life, so get ready.


Ask anything... Nothing is stupid, by asking anything... we are all winners Believe in yourself never give up always tell the truth, even when we are afraid. If you sad,…

5 Tips For Mindful Eating

Mindfulness is a state of mind that helps you focus on the present without being judgmental. You do not necessarily have to cut down on your food intake to lose those pounds as you can adjust your mindset by training your mind to be consciously aware of every bite that you take. Often we are not aware of what we munch and nibble on throughout the day casually in office, or while dropping your child to school. Your body continuously gives you cues as to when you are hungry and you need to decode your body’s feedback accurately so that you do not misinterpret them and indulge in impulsive eating. Just like a good night’s sleep is important for your child similarly eating mindfully can help you take care of your health.

Meditando en mitad de una vorágine de desenfreno

Meditando en mitad de una vorágine de desenfreno

¿Quién siente que tiene demasiado tiempo libre? ¿O que al día le sobran horas que no sabemos cómo rellenar? No son estas sensaciones habituales para nadie ¿verdad? Y es totalmente comprensible, no hay más que repasar de memoria todo lo que hacemos al día para darnos cuenta de que no es tiempo precisamente lo que nos sobra. Trabajamos, estudiamos, cuidamos de nuestra familia, mantenemos una vida social, viajamos… ¿es posible sacar tiempo libre? La respuesta que todos nos damos es un rotundo no. Sin embargo, quizá deberíamos reformular la pregunta y cuestionarnos, ¿si consiguiéramos sacar tiempo libre, para que nos serviría, en qué lo invertiríamos?

Master your mind and faster the success in your life

Master your mind and faster the success in your life

Having a balance life is what I am always searching for…After getting my master degree following 4 years of study in China,  I was full of energy, big dreams, ambitious plans and high expectations about the life I had ahead of me. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out as I had expected (not that happy); after 2 month search, I couldn’t find the job I was looking for and became depressed and unhappy. All of my expectation and big plans were ruined as my search became fruitless.

Why meditation is better than counting sheep

Why meditation is better than counting sheep

Have you ever had one of those sleepless nights, where you change your posture for hundred times already, flip your pillows for that cooler side, count white fluffy sheep for an hour and still can’t fall asleep? If you had one of those nights, you know how annoying it is to check the clock constantly just to realize that you are still awake and even when you wake up, you feel more tired than before. One of such nights can be still bearable, but what if you cannot fall asleep night after night?

Self-Care over Social Work – Why it is Important to Put our Well-being First.

Self-Care over Social Work – Why it is Important to Put our Well-being First.

Being involved in social change is a very rewarding job. Having the ability to help others in their times of need not only makes a difference in their lives but can make a tremendous difference in our own. However, social work and social justice can be extremely taxing on our mental health over time. The stress of serious situations or disasters, the demand for aid, and – at times – the inability to do anything other than the bare minimum; all of this can lead to extensive stress on our minds and our body.