5 Tips For Mindful Eating
Mindfulness is a state of mind that helps you focus on the present without being judgmental. You do not necessarily have to cut down on your food intake to lose those pounds as you can adjust your mindset by training your mind to be consciously aware of every bite that you take. Often we are […]
Meditando en mitad de una vorágine de desenfreno
¿Quién siente que tiene demasiado tiempo libre? ¿O que al día le sobran horas que no sabemos cómo rellenar? No son estas sensaciones habituales para nadie ¿verdad? Y es totalmente comprensible, no hay más que repasar de memoria todo lo que hacemos al día para darnos cuenta de que no es tiempo precisamente lo que […]
Master your mind and faster the success in your life
Having a balance life is what I am always searching for…After getting my master degree following 4 years of study in China, I was full of energy, big dreams, ambitious plans and high expectations about the life I had ahead of me. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out as I had expected (not that happy); after […]
Why meditation is better than counting sheep
Have you ever had one of those sleepless nights, where you change your posture for hundred times already, flip your pillows for that cooler side, count white fluffy sheep for an hour and still can’t fall asleep? If you had one of those nights, you know how annoying it is to check the clock constantly […]
Fasting- A Holistic Form Of Purification And Meditation
Ramadan is here, a month during which 1.6 billion Muslims around the globe fast from sunrise until sunset for 30 days. An introspection through this practice.
Eating for a Healthful Old Age
At any age, a good and varied diet is a prerequisite for health. As people become older they may be less active and need fewer calories but their basic vitamin, mineral and protein requirements do not diminish with age.
Self-Care over Social Work – Why it is Important to Put our Well-being First.
Being involved in social change is a very rewarding job. Having the ability to help others in their times of need not only makes a difference in their lives but can make a tremendous difference in our own. However, social work and social justice can be extremely taxing on our mental health over time. The stress […]
How to battle Emotional Eating
Many of us turn to food for comfort when we are stressed, angry or sad. Sometimes food also serves as a way to kill boredom. Eating food due to emotional reasons instead of eating food to cope with physical hunger is what we call emotional eating. Emotional eating is a problem that cannot be ignored.
3 simple ways to organize a peace gathering in your community
When life gives you lemons, you may choose to cry about its bitter taste or rather create lemonade! We may not know it but everyone faces unique challenges and as we go about our daily lives, we may want to create a change.We may complain of how busy we get and how preoccupied we can […]
What if the world can be a better place?
What if I told you that the world could be at peace? What if I told you that all these suffering in the world has an end. What if I told you that people can learn to forgive each other and appreciate the goodness that exists within them?