Coaching as Lifestyle

Coaching as Lifestyle

As Peace Coaches, we believe individuals are naturally resourceful, creative and whole. The Coach trusts that the Peace Rebel has all they need to find their path, answers and to trust the experience of self-development.

Being Peace Coach for the Peace Revolution self-develpment program one has the opportunity to give back, to accompany a Peace Rebel on his way to becoming the best version of themselves. Being a coach is a gift and a responsibility at the same time. Peace coaching draws inspiration from professional life coaching.

First of all, let’s see what professional coaching is. Coaching:

  • is empowerment
  • supports change
  • is discovery
  • focuses on the present and the future
  • is a dance between two equals
  • is a designed alliance
  • supports growth
  • encourages self-knowledge
  • enables choice making
  • raises awareness

In the professional environment, at the beginning of a coaching cycle, a coach designs an alliance based on trust, mutual understanding and respect with his coachee. Coaches stand for the greatness of the individuals they accompany and whose transformation they support. Coaching is all about asking powerful questions. A coach acts as a mirror for their coachees, assisting them in seeing that what is unseen. Not being attached and having no expectations is key during the coaching process. The interaction is based on active listening and speaking with intention so that the coachee explores perspectives they have not noticed before.

The most important moment in a coaching process is the present moment, the moment of action and decision. That is why a powerful coach will always draw their coachees’ attention to this present moment. Peace Coaches care about the Peace Rebels’ inner journey. In this coaching partnerships, both Coaches and Rebels are bound by their commitments. The Peace Coach holds the Rebel accountable for his decisions and actions in a gentle and empowering manner, thus facilitating transformation and self-growth.

Peace Coaches care about the Peace Rebels’ inner journey. In this coaching partnerships, both Coaches and Rebels are bound by their commitments. The Peace Coach holds the Rebel accountable for his decisions and actions in a gentle and empowering manner, thus facilitating transformation and self-growth.

Living as a coach means always listening and speaking from your heart/core/center, asking powerful questions meant to raise awareness, not working on assumptions and walking the talk with trust and integrity. What about you, what would you say coaching as a lifestyle is?


  1. samia

    Dear Anca,

    I totally agree with the points you mentioned… coaching was for me a way to give back initially …and then I met some amazing Rebels who needed guidance…a little motivation effort from my side creates a huge impact on their life- it is such a fulfilling job!

    Coaching as a lifestyle to me is creating connections with these strangers- reading their journals and feeling the words I wish to tell them, the advice I want to share….and then I type them out- a personalized answer to meet their situations. A connection that is established very fast, but it is a deep feeling. And the good feeling when they graduate! Ah! It is also emotional to receive the appreciation from the rebels.
    your article makes me inspired to write about the experience, also for PR blog.

    • Dear Samia,

      Thank you for your comment. I would be very grateful if you did so 🙂 Please do share your story, since it would be an inspiration for so many of us 🙂

      Happy thoughts!

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