Coaching as Lifestyle

As Peace Coaches, we believe individuals are naturally resourceful, creative and whole. The Coach trusts that the Peace Rebel has all they need to find their path, answers and to trust the experience of self-development.
Meditação: Ser ou Estar No Momento Presente?

A vida vai se enriquecendo com momentos, com alegrias, com amor, com felicidade … quanto mais momentos de felicidade e de amor mais ricos somos… até descobrirmos que essa riqueza já faz parte de nós permanentemente. É a nossa natureza.
Africa, in Building Peace We Come as One

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has,” reckons Margaret Mead. The Amani Revolution Tour is the living proof of Mead’s belief. Between the 28th of March and the 30th of April, young leaders from six African countries came together, […]