Can Self-discipline and Artistic Coexist?

Work Hard, Enjoy Your Days!

What comes up for you when you think about your artistic side? Creativity, imagination, spontaneity, innovation and originality sound like appropriate synonyms. Self-discipline, on the other hand, is more associated with control, rigidity, routine. If you were to choose, what would you go for?

Remember to love!

Loving is the best action we can take in life. Love is directly opposite to fear, and when we choose to love, this helps us get rid of our fears. Place little reminders of love in your life and you will transform yourself from the inside and others will follow.

What Meditation Taught Me about Meaningful Relationships

Human relationships

The dynamics of a meaningful relationship are rarely easy to portray. Each of us has a unique understanding of what a relationship means. Be it with friends, partners or even work colleagues, we spend time trying to find the appropriate person who can tick all the items on our wish list. What if what we […]

Regain Your Freedom through Meditation

Eyes of freedom

Free is what we essentially are. Embracing freedom is our natural state of being, as natural as breathing. Still, many of us are chained to the belief that we are not free. We change our outer context to achieve a glimpse of the freedom we long for. Daydreaming of quitting our job and wandering around, […]

Meditating as an Act of Generosity Towards Others

Generosity through meditation

Meditators know that through the practice of meditation, people can evolve to become better individuals. However, what many people still don’t know is that this self-development can also benefit others. But, how is this possible?

Meditate to Improve Memory

“Mindfulness meditation has been reported to enhance numerous mental abilities, including rapid memory recall,” says Catherine Kerr of the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and the Osher Research Center, Harvard Medical School (HMS).

Coaching as Lifestyle

As Peace Coaches, we believe individuals are naturally resourceful, creative and whole. The Coach trusts that the Peace Rebel has all they need to find their path, answers and to trust the experience of self-development.