The Top 5 Regrets To Avoid for a Happier Life

Have you ever wondered if there is something you could learn in this moment of your life; if there is a source of wisdom you could access by connecting with those who are your seniors that could give you some advice on how to save your time, energy and prevent you from repeating the same mistakes? […]

The Close Connection Between Good Relationships And Health

good relationships

In the busy bee schedule that most of us have these days, there is little space for familial ties and close relationships. We’d rather remain sucked in our smartphones than connect in the real world. For instance, 57% of women in the US would gladly pick their phone over intimacy with their partner. However, this […]

A Few Questions To Help You Care For Your Mind

Inner Peace Time

Our human elements need maintenance. Meditation theory understands that we, as human beings, are composed of body and mind that relate to each other as the hardware and software do in the computer.  And we know that if we don´t pay much attention to any of those elements, illnesses arise and our decaying process speeds up. Our body needs […]

4 Ways Spending Time With Your Immediate Family Benefits You

The contemporary lifestyle is very demanding and has several facets which need to be catered to simultaneously. According to modern standards, a person must remain vigilant and conscious about several things which include social status, health, beauty, a promising career, a happening social life, and so on and so forth. Attempting to satisfactorily achieve all […]

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Indigestion

food basket

Whether you’re experiencing severe symptoms that disrupt your daily life or you just have a lingering discomfort, indigestion can completely pull you out of the present moment. And though these conditions are common topics, many people suffer from heartburn and other forms of indigestion for years without finding a solution that works for them. In […]

Best Organic Foods That Prevent Cancer

Cancer is one of the greatest health concerns of modern times. Not only does this terrible disease have a high morbidity rate, but even the most easily treatable cancers can be very expensive and time-consuming to remove from the body. For these reasons, much research has been done into the possibility of preventing cancer through […]

Did you know that you can practice Yoga online for free?

Have you been thinking about regular yoga exercise but did not know where to start? We always recommend to start with the teacher first, but if in some case live classes are absolutely out of your reach (you live in on top of a hill or you work 12 hours a day), then we encourage […]

5 Tips For Mindful Eating


Mindfulness is a state of mind that helps you focus on the present without being judgmental. You do not necessarily have to cut down on your food intake to lose those pounds as you can adjust your mindset by training your mind to be consciously aware of every bite that you take. Often we are […]

Eating for a Healthful Old Age

At any age, a good and varied diet is a prerequisite for health. As people become older they may be less active and need fewer calories but their basic vitamin, mineral and protein requirements do not diminish with age.

The importance of mindful eating

The famous sentence “You are what you eat” has been around for quite a while now, but still there is alarming amount of people with no awareness or concern about their diet.