Вылечила мигрень и стала преподавать йогу – Зебуннисо Солиева
Мы познакомились с Зебуннисо Солиевой в её отеле в городе Худжанд, где она пригласила провести медитацию. Я встретила её во дворе как раз после окончания пробежки. После йоги и медитации, мы пили самый вкусный свежевыжатый сок, и Зебуннисо рассказывала, как она вылечила мигрень с помощью сыроедения и как делилась этим в блоге на Facebook Абрикосовый […]
A Few Questions To Help You Care For Your Mind
Our human elements need maintenance. Meditation theory understands that we, as human beings, are composed of body and mind that relate to each other as the hardware and software do in the computer. And we know that if we don´t pay much attention to any of those elements, illnesses arise and our decaying process speeds up. Our body needs […]
Bring The Real Love In, Baby!
On desiring infinity while experiencing finitude. Thoughts on love. Part II. Talking and writing about unconditional love is not difficult. What is tricky is to bring that magnificent, metaphysical love into our daily lives, into our relationships. That´s another thing. In moments of crisis, we get into this place where love is not pleasant and […]
Спроси у тренера о медитации – Анна из Швеции
Анна Олешкевич преподает йогу и медитацию, а занимается исследовательской работой на стыке физики и химии. Она защитила кандидатскую диссертацию по физике металлов и продолжает свои исследования в Швеции. Анна любит делиться знаниями с людьми, у нее это прекрасно получается, она участвовала в 9 ретритах по медитации в качестве ментора и преподавателя йоги. Анна посетила целых […]
5 Lessons I Took Home From A Meditation Training In Thailand
Life is a wonderful gift to those who pay attention to its features and all its forms. Paying attention is a skill that requires nobody else but ourselves to master. My second experience with the World Peace Initiative Foundation in Thailand has given me the power that nobody can take away from me. It is […]
A Recipe For A Healthy Relationship: Do You Have The Right Ingredients?
On mindfulness and consciousness as a solid way to achieve healthy relationships. Lately, the word “Healthy” is becoming trendy. Every day you find people on Facebook and Instagram posting photos of their healthy meals or writing posts that show affection to their partners or friends or family. I am sure you too have bumped a lot into these […]
Aquí viene el amor otra vez… espera, ¿en serio?
Sobre desear el infinito mientras se experimenta lo finito. Pensamientos sobre el amor. Parte I. En nuestra vida práctica amamos personas, mascotas, cosas, naturaleza, arte etc. Experimentamos este sentimiento no solo en contextos románticos sino que en muchos más – o al menos podemos estar abiertos a sentir amor de diferentes formas. Sin embarbo, el hecho […]
Why We Keep Failing At Love
The concept of love has existed as long as the human race. For centuries, scholars have tried to come up with different definitions of love but it never suffices due to the complexities involved in this magical word or feeling. So many times I’ve tried to understand what this word means but it has never […]
Here Comes Love Again… Wait, Really?
On desiring infinity while experiencing finitude. Thoughts on love. Part I. In our practical life, we love people, pets, stuff, nature, art etc. We experience this feeling not only in romantic contexts but in many others – or at least we can be open to feel love in multiple ways. However, the fact that we love […]
Excusas Para no Alcanzar tus Sueños
A veces la curiosidad no es suficiente para crear nuevos hábitos o alcanzar tus objetivos y sueños. Nos llenamos de excusas, las cuales, probablemente solo sean una forma disfrazada de nuestros temores o simplemente estar en una zona muy segura de tu vida. Pero, ¿Qué podemos hacer para salir de nuestra zona de confort y […]