Finding contentment in the midst of the Anglophone crisis

It’s not only a gunshot that kills people during crisis. Sometimes people may die because of too much worry which leads to adverse health conditions. It’s alright to worry, but worrying too much about circumstances we cannot control is dangerous to our health. Fear from gunshots I come from the minority English speaking region of […]

Harvard scholars inquire how to apply mindfulness in education curriculum

On 19th of March, nine visitors from Harvard Graduate School Of Education and Harvard Kennedy School visited World Peace Initiative Foundation (WPI) headquarters in Thailand to learn more about Thai education system, global education trends and policy recommendations. The group from Harvard were interested in how we apply mindfulness and soft skills to education curriculum. […]

‘I am lucky to do what I love’, says meditation trainer Gabriela Torres Rios

In January 2019, World Peace Initiative Foundation and Peace Revolution  project hosted the Peace Architect Awards Ceremony to celebrate the work of more than 60 mindfulness and meditation trainers accomplished throughout the year of 2018, as well as give special awards to those who have showed outstanding efforts and results in spreading peace to their […]

The Art of Improvisation

Have you ever planned something so well only for the plan to be upset in the last minute as a result making you feel confused? Many of us would love things in life to always go as planned. We work so hard in calculating every step on the way with the hope that everything will go […]

Comment développer une mentalité «anti-balle» pendant la crise camerounaise?

Que faites-vous lorsque votre ville natale devient un lieu en proie au chaos constant? La première pensée est de s’enfuir. Mais pour aller où? Nous ne pouvons pas contrôler tout ce qui se passe à l’extérieur, mais la seule chose que nous pouvons contrôler, c’est notre esprit (état d’âme). La façon dont nous réagissons aux […]

Alafia II Fellowship: warm welcome, great impact

Everything that comes to an end marks in some form or another the beginning of a new. Alafia fellowship II has been an amazing, refreshing, and impactful event  gathering 25 participants from 18 countries in Ivory Coast from 12th to 14th of September. In the following lines, I give an account of my experience hoping […]

Developing a Bullet Proof Mind Through Cameroon Crisis

What do you do when your hometown has become a place of constant chaos? Sometimes the first thought is to run away. But running to where? We can’t control everything that happens externally but the one thing we can control is our mind. How we react to situations depends on the quality of our mind. I […]

رحلتي الى الداخل

              يحدث ان يحصل لك أشياء في الحياة تكون مفصلية. وربما تصادف بعض البشر الذين يتركون اثرا في حياتك. لكن محاولة معرفة حقيقتك وسر سعادتك يكمن في معرفة الذات. يقول الحديث الشريف “من عرف نفسه فقد عرف ربه“. ومن هنا كانت مشاركتي في زمالة “هي الثانية” الإقليمية للنساء العربيات التابعة لمبادرة […]

How Meditation Helped Thai Boys Survive in the Cave

How could meditation help when you are trapped in a cave and may think you are about to die? We’ve heard the story of 12 Thai boys and their football coach who were rescued from a flooded cave in Northern Thailand after spending there almost 10 days. In order to survive, they were guided into […]

How Human Rights Contribute to Peace

people holding heart together

After a long day at work, many of us have the privilege to go home, take a hot shower, cook dinner, and sleep in a warm bed. For those of us who live a life of relative comfort and have our basic needs met, it can be hard to imagine what life would be like […]