How Can Music Sustain Peacebuilding?

The existence of music is almost as old as the evolution of a human. Words in melodious sounds used in conveying information to a particular group of people constitute the entity of music as a cultural symbol. Different types of music are peculiar for different cultures. For example, the Yorubas* have their orin ibile (traditional […]

Research Shows That You May Need A Holiday Soon

Peter is in the office with Talia finishing up on his work. Both of them are expatriates mostly travelling through several countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. They are working on huge emerging projects that involve several people, and reports can be frustrating. Actually travelling, as cool as it may sound, ceased to be […]

Manifestaciones pacíficas

¿Cómo conseguir los objetivos que queremos a través de manifestaciones pacíficas logrando así entrenar y poner en manifiesto un tipo de activismo no violento? Mi relación con la meditación no comenzó hasta estar yo bien entrada en la década de los veinte. No obstante, cuando empecé a practicarla me di cuenta que algunas sensaciones que […]

Why She Introduced Meditation in Her School in Kenya

She came to Kenya from India at the age of 23. Her passion to serve in Africa  was her reason for coming. She started teaching at a village school in Mombasa, Bamburi High School. Gradually, she rose up the ranks of leadership and service to establish Nairobi International Schools. The first E school in East […]

Peace Revolution Visits Guyana

This inevitable human growth comes with a certain turmoil: as children, we are ignorant to the outside world, we are unaware of what the working world is like, what paying bills are like and what the everyday decision making brings with it. As we advance from childhood to adulthood, we have a more precise view of […]

Peacebuilder Elvis Kumar Awarded at Commonwealth Youth Forum

Elvis Kumar (25), peacebuilder from Fiji was fortunate to be one of the 5 Pacific Regional Finalists at the Commonwealth Youth Forum (CYF) hosted in London from 16th to 18th April. In the Forum, young people who are contributing to peace and security, poverty alleviation, conflict resolution and other areas were brought together for the Commonwealth Youth Awards 2018 under the theme “Towards a Common Future”. […]

5 Lessons I Took Home From A Meditation Training In Thailand

Life is a wonderful gift to those who pay attention to its features and all its forms. Paying attention is a skill that requires nobody else but ourselves to master. My second experience with the World Peace Initiative Foundation in Thailand has given me the power that nobody can take away from me. It is […]

People From Around The World Defining Peace

To celebrate the International Day of Peace, there was an event organized by Peace Revolution Cameroon with about 50 participants from 15 countries: Cameroon, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Algeria, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Germany, Serbia, Canada, United States, and Colombia among others. The theme of this year’s event was titled as “Together for Peace, Respect, Safety and […]

Teach mindfulness and meditation alongside your regular transformation work with us!

Mindfulness meditation is increasingly becoming a powerful tool to bring awareness to the ever present peace that lies within us. Several people have gone to the East to learn these ancient tools and bring them home, to the west, and now, even African countries. Organizations and firms are beginning to recognize the salient fact that […]

Careers and Other Opportunities That Can Enrich Your Community

community members

Any efforts you make to improve your community or respond to a recurring social problem can create a positive change in your life and the lives of those around you. There are some roles people can take on that are particularly well poised to enrich their communities. Even if you aren’t in one of these […]