Meditando desde la ciudad de Barcelona hasta los pueblecitos gallegos
¿Coche nuevo, vestido caro, vacaciones en Canarias? Habitualmente creemos que la felicidad nos la otorgan los bienes exteriores. ¿Pero y si miramos en nuestro interior y nos damos cuenta de que podemos ser felices aquí y ahora? ¿Y si meditamos? Peace Revolution España va a organizar un tour para compartir los beneficios de la meditación […]
Spreading peace in Rototom
Our peace architects Alejandra Barbé Sevilla and Agnija Kazuša, together with the Peace Coach Ana Blanco, took part in the 23rd edition of Rototom Sunsplash Festival, that involved 250.000 people from more than 80 countries. The Rototom association was born in 1991. Since then, the entity has managed hundreds of concerts, built a culture centre, organized marches for peace, […]
Meditando en mitad de una vorágine de desenfreno
¿Quién siente que tiene demasiado tiempo libre? ¿O que al día le sobran horas que no sabemos cómo rellenar? No son estas sensaciones habituales para nadie ¿verdad? Y es totalmente comprensible, no hay más que repasar de memoria todo lo que hacemos al día para darnos cuenta de que no es tiempo precisamente lo que […]
Amani Oh! Amani – A Peace Quest From Africa – Part 2
Another warm welcome, literally It seems travelling to humid countries has become part of my globetrotting experience, apart from Malawi, whose weather is similar to that of Zambia. I’m yet to experience extreme cold, though. Whoever said the quest for inner peace was a quick trot, anyway. Stepping out of the Suvarnabhumi Airport terminal, I […]
What do I really want here?
If you cant get yourself right, you shall have a hard time getting others and the environment around you right!
Prepare yourself for meditation
Peace Revolution is a platform where you can learn meditation for free step by step, and be guided by a qualified Peace Coach. We teach the method of meditation in which you concentrate on the center of your body – the gravity point, and one of the main requirements of this meditation style is to […]
1000 People meditating in Lesotho – Africa.
Lesotho is one of the most beautiful countries in Africa. They call it the mountain kingdom. It does not matter your position in Lesotho, you will always see a mountain. Lesotho is one of the few countries in Africa where it snows. It does around June and July. Other than the beautiful nature, Lesotho is […]
Inner Peace sessions in BURUNDI
As a Republic, Burundi’s current president Pierre Nkurunziza started his third mandate in August 2015. Ever since he declared that he would run for a third term on 26 April 2015, which some claim to be unconstitutional, the country has found itself in a political turmoil with violent protests leading to about 240,000 (registered) refugees, […]
The value of a retreat in your life
From the older days when chivalry and courage meant going to to war and mightiest slaying their opponents, retreats meant more than defeat. Those were the deadliest of all times and often the head of a military unit, often called the military commander, when he deemed fit, would command his soldiers to retreat.
Les premiers pas vers la paix..
La paix ! Un sentiment tant convoité, il nous parait parfois si loin qu’on le croit inatteignable sur terre, qu’on le croit éphémère, parce qu’on le cherche partout sauf au bon endroit ! Nous même.