Meditating as an Act of Generosity Towards Others

Generosity through meditation

Meditators know that through the practice of meditation, people can evolve to become better individuals. However, what many people still don’t know is that this self-development can also benefit others. But, how is this possible?

More Patience through Meditation?

“There is more to life than increasing its speed,” noticed Mahatma Gandhi. Meditation shares a profound understanding of how patience disseminates on an individual level and how it also intertwines human interactions.

Coaching as Lifestyle

As Peace Coaches, we believe individuals are naturally resourceful, creative and whole. The Coach trusts that the Peace Rebel has all they need to find their path, answers and to trust the experience of self-development.

Can Meditation Help You Better Deal With Depression?

Yes it can. Thanks to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) studies it has been established that practising meditation contributes to reducing activity in the amygdala, as a study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience underlines. So, meditation affects that area of the brain governing stress response and often linked to feelings of unhappiness and stress.

Mindfulness and meditation workshops in Budapest, Hungary

In February Peace Revolution, represented by Peace Architect Manuela Puscas, went to beautiful Budapest for the first time. Over 120 people of amazing diversity joined the events, from fifth graders and students to university professors, hypnosis and Gestalt therapists, yoga teachers, economists and other professionals, trainers, social workers and local NGO members.

The Importance of Self-knowledge

We are social beings and together we create the family unit, the neighbourhood, the community, and the greater country. We make the world. Just like the individual cells in our bodies working to keep us alive and well, we, too, are cells that make humanity.

Meditation: the Ancient Medicine of the Future

Meditation retreat Mooktawan Thailand

It’s certainly not a coincidence that both the words ‘medicine’ and ‘meditation’ come from the same etymological root: the Greek prefix “med”, which alludes to a medium point in between two opposites or, in other words, to that subtle state of balance we hear so much about in health blogs and yoga lessons but rarely […]

Peace In, Peace Out in Bangladesh with South Asian Youth Society

They say “you cannot find peace in Google as peace is inside”. Once we have established peace within ourselves we can spread it to our surroundings. This is the premise behind the inner peace workshop arranged by South Asian Youth Society (SAYS) on 2nd of October 2014 at the EMK Center, Dhaka. The event Peace […]