Meditation Advice from #meditationweek Winners

From 23 to 28 of February Peace Revolution held a #meditationweek on Facebook and Instagram. Each day was dedicated to a new topic connected to meditation, and the participants were asked to share their photos and thoughts on the topic. Today we are proud to announce the winners of the #meditationweek and to share their […]

12 things to be present and happier than before

This year started with the plan to volunteer 3 months in Thailand at Peace Revolution HQ’s office. What it started as 3 months has became the whole year traveling and learning things, that’s why i took inspiration to write 12 things to stay more on the present moment and live happier than before.

How to Love Yourself

Self Love and Acceptance

How much quality time do you usually spend with yourself? Have you ever found yourself postponing any personal activity, just because you had something urgent come up, but still find the strength to always be there for yourself?

Meditation for Acceptance

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” Lao Tzu