Amani Oh! Amani – A Peace Quest From Africa – Part 3
I know, I know, I went AWOL for a while. Not to worry, I’m back! Before I proceed, let me take this moment to apologise for not accounting much for time and dates in my Amani Series. I went through a couple of days without comprehending or having a feel of time. I later managed […]
After I quit my job I have found the light to guide me
It was back in the beginning of 2015 when I decided to quit my office job, which has become a routine and stopped boosting my self-development and giving me satisfaction. I realized that more than that I also needed to ‘restart the system’, in the way we restart our computers, with the only exception that […]
Presenting meditation practice as peace building tools at AYUDH
Our peace architect Alejandra Barbé Sevilla took place in “One World. One Home”, the 12th European Youth Summit organized by the international youth movement AYUDH that involved 300 participants from 26 countries, providing a variety of learning experiences which empowered participants to recognize and responds to needs in their respective communities, facilitating intercultural dialogue, engagement […]
Meditation made me see life with new eyes.
My common path with Peace Revolution started a couple of years ago, at a moment I was feeling fairly lost and undecided about my future. My mind was envisioning a thousand plans, jumping from one to another before even getting halfway through the first one. It was a rather exhausting process, but somehow I was […]
My peace mission around Africa – a lifetime experience.
It is in the human nature to always seek comfort and happiness, to dream and envisage the future with serenity or anxiety as well as always remain attached to the past to assure his or her identity. That nature almost every human being keeps filling out every day makes our mind to being permanently […]
Amani Oh! Amani: My evolving Africa – Part 1
An unquenched thirst and hunger for more Filled with skepticism and a sense of an unfulfilling experience after coming from the Amandla East and Southern Africa Fellowship 2016, I was craving for further knowledge and I sought to learn more, therefore, applying for the Amani Youth Africa Fellowship 2 on virtually the last day before […]
Kendini ve evreni merak eden herkesin yolu meditasyonda buluşabilir. 27-31 Mayıs tarihlerinde Fethiye de bulunan Pastoral Vadi de gerçekleşen Thailand merkezli Peace Revolution‘ın, MENA Salam Barış Buluşması na 21 günlük bir online eğitim ve mülakat sonunda katılma şansım oldu. Bu etkinlik ile ilgili izlenim ve hislerimi yazmamın birçok insana iç huzur ve barış dolu bir […]
MENA Salam III Fellowship: Amazing Chapter in my life.
Congratulations, Wow yes, I got accepted at MENA Salam at Turkey, woohoo. That was my first reaction when I got the acceptance Email, however I knew that I have a lot of paper issues to be covered due to some unrest between the governments of Egypt and Turkey.
Viaje de autoconocimiento: se fue a Tailandia con una beca para meditar
Aplicó a un programa de 14 días en una isla de ese país para practicar la técnica. Recorrió varios poblados y ahora escribe sus experiencias.
1000 People meditating in Lesotho – Africa.
Lesotho is one of the most beautiful countries in Africa. They call it the mountain kingdom. It does not matter your position in Lesotho, you will always see a mountain. Lesotho is one of the few countries in Africa where it snows. It does around June and July. Other than the beautiful nature, Lesotho is […]