Why Meditating with Cats is a Blessing?

The origins of these domesticated felines can be traced very long ago, around 10,000 years in the past, accompanying farmers in their daily routines. Cats were mainly famous for chasing away rodents such as rats, mice, porcupines, squirrels amongst others which were feeding on the crops waiting to be yielded. Cats were considered as farmers’ […]

The labyrinth of life: do you know what I admire about you?

Life… a corridor where we walk freely and facing sweet obstacles, we make decisions; a labyrinth of passages, in which we have to find our way, lost and wandering, detained, from time to time, by a dead end. Do you know what I admire about you? I asked you on one occasion. You remember it, […]

A Simple Way to Boost Productivity and Creativity

Have you ever felt unproductive or short of creativity? I guess this happens to all of us at some point in life even when we have a genius talent in what we do. There’s just this moment in your career or time of the day when you feel the ideas are not coming forth as […]

Dances of Universal Peace

A crowd of people in a circle, meditative music, simple dance movements, and mantras from a wide variety of world faiths all meld together… Attending a Dance of Universal Peace is an unforgettable experience. In hundreds of dances across the globe, people around the world gather in spiritual centers, churches, schools, therapy groups, and even […]

Why Everyone Needs to Practice Meditation

Based on my own experience as a meditation trainer, people wonder a lot about when and why one needs to maintain meditation practice. Should that also be a misunderstanding of what meditation is all about? Possibly. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, meditation means, “engage in contemplation or reflection, or to plan or project in […]

صوتك صدى الحياة

زمالة “هي” الثانية الإقليمية التابعة لمبادرة السلام العالمي ضمن مشروع نهضة السلام والتي ضمت ما يقارب الخمسة عشرة مشاركة من دول الشرق الأوسط وشمال اقريقيا. هذه التجربة كانت لمدة خمسة أيام، وتحديدًا من الرابع إلى الثامن(٤-٨) من شهرتموز (يوليو) 2018  لتعزيز ونشر ثقافة السلام بعيدًا عن منطق الاستهلاك اليومي.  كانت التجربة تستهل كل يوم طيلة […]

How Can Music Sustain Peacebuilding?

The existence of music is almost as old as the evolution of a human. Words in melodious sounds used in conveying information to a particular group of people constitute the entity of music as a cultural symbol. Different types of music are peculiar for different cultures. For example, the Yorubas* have their orin ibile (traditional […]

Buscando espacio para la creatividad

“Todos tenemos talento, si sabemos descubrirlo” Ken Robinson A menudo cuando se habla de creatividad, la mayoría de la gente cree que esta es un don con el que se nace, o como mucho, una cualidad que se puede ejercitar, pero solo por parte de aquellas personas que se dedican de algún modo a crear […]