Me in Mexico

Lesson 4: Want, Work and Relax

The monks will tell you that it is necessary to grow out of being a slave of your desires. They eat for the sole purpose of feeding their bodies. And that’s right for them, because they choose to live happily with that premise. For other people who are not monks, desires are part of our essence. And it is by learning to control them that we can enjoy them in a mindful way.



At some point of life many of us encounter existential questions. We rush like crazy trying to find the answers right now, right here, always somewhere outside: in books, in advices, in money, work or parties. We fight to get these answers and become angry, unhappy, lost. Sometimes we even give up and go with the flow. It feels like being one of those hamsters running in a lump. But the truth is, that the answers come whenever we stop seeking for them, when we calm down and look at ourselves from aside.