Peace and Sustainable Development in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A successful mission

Peace and Sustainable Development in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A successful mission

Peace is truly in jeopardy in the Democratic Republic of Congo as the country has faced severe war for years, and is currently going through a “rehabilitation” period which is a favorable period for peacebuilding initiatives. Indeed, some smart thinkers of an organization called East Eagle Foundation which is based in the Democratic Republic of Congo and represented by the Peace Rebel Fabien Numbi Ntambi, believe that peace is the absence of conflict and the plinth of any sustainable development. They are well aware that real peace can only start in the mind and wanted to help sow the seed of peace into the minds of the youth of Congo and (especially the one of Kinshasa) so that sustainable development is fostered in their various communities.

Amani Oh! Amani – A Peace Quest From Africa – Part 4

Amani Oh! Amani – A Peace Quest From Africa – Part 4

Everything that comes to an end restarts in some form or another. As I come to the end of my series, it is only the end because I feel I have given an objective enough perspective of my experience with the Amani 2 fellowship, and perhaps this may provide you with a somewhat informed decision when you opt to apply for such an opportunity. It was amazing in my books.

Everything was not told (maybe I should consider writing a book) but everything told was as I have sold. So, let’s see how this epilogue will unfold.

Amani Oh! Amani – A Peace Quest From Africa  – Part 3

Amani Oh! Amani – A Peace Quest From Africa – Part 3

I know, I know, I went AWOL for a while. Not to worry, I’m back!

Before I proceed, let me take this moment to apologise for not accounting much for time and dates in my Amani Series. I went through a couple of days without comprehending or having a feel of time. I later managed to acquire a watch and small alarm clock and things got better, time-wise.

My peace mission around Africa – a lifetime experience.

My peace mission around Africa – a lifetime experience.


It is in the human nature to always seek comfort and happiness, to dream and envisage the future with serenity or anxiety as well as always remain attached to the past to assure his or her identity. That nature almost every human being keeps filling out every day makes our mind to being permanently avoiding the present moment, yet the present moment is certainly important as it is the crucible in which our whole life unfolds.

1000 People meditating in Lesotho – Africa.

1000 People meditating in Lesotho – Africa.

Lesotho is one of the most beautiful countries in Africa. They call it the mountain kingdom. It does not matter your position in Lesotho, you will always see a mountain. Lesotho is one of the few countries in Africa where it snows. It does around June and July. Other than the beautiful nature, Lesotho is experiencing political instability with some of its opposition leaders exiled to South Africa.

Inner Peace sessions in BURUNDI

Inner Peace sessions in BURUNDI

As a Republic, Burundi’s current president Pierre Nkurunziza started his third mandate in August 2015. Ever since he declared that he would run for a third term on 26 April 2015, which some claim to be unconstitutional, the country has found itself in a political turmoil with violent protests leading to about 240,000 (registered) refugees, and suspension of international government aid. Currently, the violence has become less intense and more sporadic, but the country is yearning for more stability.