The price of meditation

Is there a price for the practice? Normally, an entirely fair one when rightly paid. Ride’s fee This writing is not about a meditation course or a book, but the price you may pay for starting your meditation practice. No need to take this with a negative connotation. Although, if you indeed practice and keep […]
Meditation: A part of the day

Sometimes when mentioning to friends or some people that I meditate, they usually ask back: “So, basically what you do is thinking of nothing, isn’t it?”. Actually, meditation is relatively more complex than that, at least in my eyes – not literally. There are already many books on different meditation types, techniques, etc. In this […]
If you don’t live from love, you will be a slave of fear

There are people who struggle to be themselves, to live a life with integrity and in harmony with their own being. Others struggle not to get too close to themselves, not to face their fear, painful emotions and contradictory thoughts. If we seek comfort at any price, probably we will choose to be the second […]
What is ‘consciousness’? A question that will challenge your worldview

“Consciousness is the biggest mystery. It might be the largest outstanding obstacle in our quest for a scientific understanding of the universe.” David Chalmers Consciousness is one of the most familiar and at the same time one of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe. We are all familiarized with consciousness. Every day, when we […]
Tips for Job Satisfaction: Explore New Skill. Challenge yourself!

As I’m easily bored on the same old stuff if it keeps repeating without change or improvement, exploring new skills or new things is what I love to do. For example, at the age of 22, I could raise funds worth 1 million Thai baht and a lot more these days. Read more how a […]
Self-isolation as a spiritual retreat and making it a regular practice

The use of terminology such as ‘lockdown’ to refer to current government-controlled social distancing measures make us feel trapped in our homes, places we are supposed to love and where we should feel safe. Considering these periods of social distancing or self-isolation as spiritual retreats instead of a form of solitary confinement may be one way to help us cope with staying put. And the practice of slowing down by staying put and taking occasional breaks from the outside world and our busy lives may be worth holding on to once the crisis is over, as they reveal inner truths and new possibilities.
Develop self-leadership in 5 steps

Self-leadership has become a forgotten trait in our society. However, leadership is an essential need for the stabilization of our world. When we go through the news, we see endless symptoms of a lack of leadership in our society. All the chaos, wars, the destabilization of West Africa and a debilitating economy in the world; […]
6 meditation lessons for a peaceful life, reflections from Amani Fellowship

I discovered meditation in 2016 thanks to the Peace Revolution Self-Development program. Since then, I have learned to really appreciate its value. Today, I wanted to share with you a few lessons learned during the AMANI 4 fellowship in Himawan Sanctuary (Thailand), that can be transferred to our everyday life: 1- A holistic approach is […]
The Art of Silence – The Sound of Awakening

It’s still on my mind, the sound of the bell in Himawan sanctuary (where I joined a meditation training) around the dining room at two places: the first one – in between the dining room and rest room, the other one – in front of the dining room, the place where I loved to sit […]
Befriend isolation in the challenging times of Covid-19

“Don’t try to calm the storm. Calm yourself. The storm will pass.” ~Buddha Facts and how to turn this challenge into an opportunity The year 2020 came with a challenge of unprecedented scale: Covid-19. We are often looking outside, seeking safety on the outside: in the government, authorities, medical establishments. However, rich or developing countries […]