A menudo, cuando se habla de los beneficios de la meditación, aquellos que no han meditado nunca pueden percibir que esta práctica se vende como una panacea, como el remedio…
In the busy bee schedule that most of us have these days, there is little space for familial ties and close relationships. We’d rather remain sucked in our smartphones than…
Sobre desear el infinito mientras se experimenta lo finito. Pensamientos sobre el amor. Parte II. Escribir y hablar sobre el amor incondicional no es difícil. Lo complejo es traer ese amor magnífico, metafísico,…
On desiring infinity while experiencing finitude. Thoughts on love. Part II. Talking and writing about unconditional love is not difficult. What is tricky is to bring that magnificent, metaphysical love…
On mindfulness and consciousness as a solid way to achieve healthy relationships. Lately, the word "Healthy" is becoming trendy. Every day you find people on Facebook and Instagram posting photos of their healthy…