Mind full or mindful

Three Ways to Be More Mindful Every Day

To have a mindful mind means to practice paying attention, being aware of your surroundings, feelings, moods, your body, different sensations you experience in the present moment without judging or analyzing it, just simply being aware of it here and now. 

There are times when our minds are full and not mindful, which means we are preoccupied with so many information, thoughts we have, which leads us to simply being unaware of everything that is going around us.Here are some simple exercises which everyone can try as a way of practicing having a more mindful life:

Here are some simple exercises which everyone can try as a way of practicing having a more mindful life:

Weather forecast

When you wake up in the morning before your day official starts, try to draw your personal weather forecast of your feelings and mood. Think whether you  are  feeling  sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy… Leave this drawing at home. In the evening, at the end of your day, again draw weather forecast of your current feelings. Compare two drawings and think about how your feelings and moods changed in the course of the day. Try to observe your feelings and moods as weather which is changeable during the day, without judging or analyzing it. This exercise teaches us to observe and understand the fact that our feelings and moods are changing during the day, sometimes they stay the same, sometimes they are different, and this is the case with every person and that is completely ok.

Try to observe your feelings and moods as weather which is changeable during the day, without judging or analyzing it. This exercise teaches us to observe and understand the fact that our feelings and moods are changing during the day, sometimes they stay the same, sometimes they are different, and this is the case with every person and that is completely ok.

Mindfull or mindful

Image source: Pinterest

Hi, I see you

During the day practice paying attention to at least 3 persons from your surrounding  who you often meet – they can be your family members, co-workers, people working in the market where you shop every day, neighbors, etc.  Pay attention to these persons and try to notice something about them you haven’t been aware of before, or notice something you are so accustomed to,  that over time you start taking for granted.

Tell the persons what you have noticed, for example: you have big blue eyes, you have beautiful smile, you’re always smiling, or it may be the character trait that today showed up in its best light-you are an honest person, you’re so kind etc.

Being aware of my body

During the day from time to time shift your attention and awareness to your body-how do you feel while sitting, lying down, exercising, driving, taking a shower etc. Practice being aware of whether your body is tense, relaxed, tired, full of energy, etc. Throughout the day a couple of times return attention to your body and notice what it tells you, if you are experiencing different emotions during the day-try to notice in which parts of your body do you sense these emotions.

There are many more ways to practice your mind to be more aware of the present moment, you can start with being curious about yourself, your surrounding and people around you. I’m sure it is a good way to begin with being mindful!