Mindful Eating: Strategies for Overcoming Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is using food to cope with negative emotions or stress rather than physical hunger. It’s a common issue that can sabotage weight loss efforts and lead to feelings of guilt or shame. Practicing mindful eating techniques can help override the impulse to reach for food when upset. Here are some effective strategies to […]
Spiritual wisdom as an antidote to human problems

The embodiment and acceptance of various spiritual insights and practices can assist with easing and solving the root cause of many of the problems we face
How to navigate through difficult times?

Take the plunge and explore three popular ways that will help you navigate through difficult times:-Therapy-Journaling-Meditation Therapy Why does talking to someone about our problems make us feel better? Therapy sessions are growing in popularity around the world. In order for it to work, people need to stick to regular sessions for a few months […]
How To Express Your Best Thoughts Out?

One of the essential components of communication is the ability to deliver your feelings and thoughts effectively. For many people, it is difficult to put ideas into words. However, to be well understood by people, it is imperative to give light to your ideas, feelings, and thoughts. They do not deserve to be hidden all the […]
How to Use The Two Sides of the Brain to Experience More Happiness?

Have you ever wondered which side of the brain you are using more? Are you working with halves or operating from a place of wholesomeness making use of all your abilities? Studies and popular theories tend to generalise and divide people into 2 groups: those who use the left side of the brain and those who […]
Three Ways to Be More Mindful Every Day

To have a mindful mind means to practice paying attention, being aware of your surroundings, feelings, moods, your body, different sensations you experience in the present moment without judging or analyzing it, just simply being aware of it here and now.
How to Change Your Mind?

Meditation does not only change the way your brain is wired – you can read more about this on Mindful, Psychology Today and Forbes – but it also helps you change your mind into an empowering instrument meant to assisting you in achieving that what you need.
How to Reconnect with Your Inner Child

The most sophisticated people I know – inside they are all children. Jim Henson