Why motivation and talent are myths: the life hack for achieving anything

One of the most frustrating phrases I could ever hear somebody say is “I wish I could do that”.
How to Grow Healthy Relationships in the Garden of Life?

“How to maintain healthy relationships?” A friend of mine once asked me. Surely, it will not happen by itself. All kinds of relationships in our life need to be nurtured and taken good care of, with kindness and patience. Imagine, you are a gardener and relationships are like flowers you are growing in your garden to brighten up […]
Resoluciones de Año Nuevo

¿Te has encontrado alguna vez postergando las metas y resoluciones de año nuevo para el próximo? Esto se debe, a que muchas veces no nos tomamos el tiempo necesario para realizar todo el proceso que implica establecer nuevas misiones y crear nuevos hábitos para lograr los objetivos del año que comienza. En este artículo te […]
Change Your Fixed Mindset to Access Your Hidden Potential Within

It’s a shame to say that the majority of people living in the modern world have a fixed mindset. By this, I mean that you, as an individual, believe that you have what you’re born with and you are who you are. Some might say that your fate has been decided and life is what it […]
Cómo cultivar el mindfulness

Minfulness se ha convertido un término de moda de un tiempo a esta parte. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones se malinterpreta y desconoce su verdadero significado, más aún cuando se aplica en el contexto de la meditación. Hay estados mentales, sensaciones o sentimientos que en ocasiones son difíciles de describir, y que algunas lenguas han […]
It’s the Little Things in Life: Happiness Practices Around the World

Happiness isn’t all about grand ambitions and big achievements, it’s also about the little touches that make daily life a bit nicer. All over the world, people have found their own ways to brighten up a difficult day without the need to spend money. Our new series of illustrations takes a look at a few […]
How to Be Mindful in Technological Age?

It’s a quiet room. You’re alone, seated on a low cushion. Sunlight pours in through the window, and you can feel the warmth on your face as you close your eyes. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, listen for the sound of air passing through your nostrils. Sit empty for a moment before […]
Presenting meditation practice as peace building tools at AYUDH

Our peace architect Alejandra Barbé Sevilla took place in “One World. One Home”, the 12th European Youth Summit organized by the international youth movement AYUDH that involved 300 participants from 26 countries, providing a variety of learning experiences which empowered participants to recognize and responds to needs in their respective communities, facilitating intercultural dialogue, engagement […]
We are what we eat

“We are what we eat” is a phrase that my dad kept on repeating to me since I was a kid. I’ve always understood it as an advice to eat healthy food in order to ensure a long life free of diseases. That’s why I’ve always thought that eating mindfully was just about taking care […]
The importance of mindful eating

The famous sentence “You are what you eat” has been around for quite a while now, but still there is alarming amount of people with no awareness or concern about their diet.