Self-isolation as a spiritual retreat and making it a regular practice

The use of terminology such as ‘lockdown’ to refer to current government-controlled social distancing measures make us feel trapped in our homes, places we are supposed to love and where we should feel safe. Considering these periods of social distancing or self-isolation as spiritual retreats instead of a form of solitary confinement may be one way to help us cope with staying put. And the practice of slowing down by staying put and taking occasional breaks from the outside world and our busy lives may be worth holding on to once the crisis is over, as they reveal inner truths and new possibilities.

How to create your own meditation retreat at home?

What if quarantine was our best opportunity for growth, healing, and self-development? A few weeks ago, when I found out about the lockdown, I told myself: “Alright, we can do this. I’m a meditation teacher, so let’s use this time wisely and focus on mental health and personal growth.” Guess what happened next? I woke […]

4 Tips for Keeping a Daily Routine and Staying Motivated in Self-Isolation

Maintaining some form of a daily routine when in the house every day can be difficult, but don’t let this stop you. If you are struggling during this time, here are four tips to help you keep a daily routine and stay motivated whilst in self-isolation. 1. Exercise The best thing you can do during […]