Unexpected and Remarkable Discovery On the Journey to Peace

Unexpected and Remarkable Discovery On the Journey to Peace

I remember the day when I have heard about Peace Revolution. It was in one of the peace camps where my friend told me about it. It was such an exciting moment as I have found the space where I could combine two big parts of my life ā€“ social and inner development.Ā Whenever I started my journey in Peace Revolution I had a feeling of being in the right place as here I have found the work that I used to do for myself. For years I have volunteered and worked in international peace building organization and used to meditate for inner and spiritual development. And hereā€¦ I have found both of them together and interconnected.

“Out of this world” into my life.

“Out of this world” into my life.

In the early 90ā€™s, when I was aĀ kid, there was a TV show called ā€œOut of this worldā€. It was a young teenager named Evie who finds out that her father is from a different planet and because of that she has superpowers. Well, actually, just one. An amazing one! Evie is able to stop time. She touches the tips of her index fingers and everything around her freezes. She could then ignore her mom’s scolding, get some extra time to check her history book before answering her teacher or even give herself an extra minute gazing at her crush passing by in the hall.

The journey to true peace

The journey to true peace

The sun never sets as the day never rest thinking about life and worrying about the future. The worries were translated into the mind and led high tension with unbearable stresses which led into ulcers. The days become harder as life pain keep sucks. I did not realize that I was worrying and stressing myself too much over the things beyond my control. I was living in total darkness.