On the morning of 11th September 2019, I packed my suitcases to begin the experience of a lifetime. Having completed the online 42-day inner peace time (IPT) journey on Peace…
قبيل شهر، كنت من المشاركين في تدريب لإعداد مدربي التأمل واليقظه الذهنيه في مملكة تايلاند، وقد كان تدريبًا مختلفًا عن أي تدريب شاركت به في حياتي. ولهذا قررت أن اكتب…
Everything that comes to an end marks in some form or another the beginning of a new. Alafia fellowship II has been an amazing, refreshing, and impactful event gathering 25…
Just like those unexpected and wonderful things that happen in life, my cousin suggested me I take a look at an article. It was entitled “The Most exotic Scholarships of…
Mindfulness meditation is increasingly becoming a powerful tool to bring awareness to the ever present peace that lies within us. Several people have gone to the East to learn these…
“Each of you are a factor and actor to make a change,” says Martine Reicherts, Director-General for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport at the European Commission, quoting Dalai Lama on…
Do you want to learn more about the SEE Peace Fellowship? Wonder how to apply and why this Fellowship could change your life? Join some of our pre-events where Peace…