We all know doing sports is good for us. Yet, many of us are lazy to do it. How to overcome laziness and create a discipline of regular workouts?

Exercising is a habit that everyone can develop. If you say you don’t like physical activity, this simply means you haven’t found YOUR type of exercise yet. There are so many kinds of sports you can try, and even trying can give you a good workout. 

sunset yoga

1. Find your favorite sport

I am not competitive at all, and while others play basketball I yawn. But I like doing aerobics, yoga, swimming and running, those workouts you can do alone. Maybe you are a kind of person who loves games? Volleyball, basketball, football, tennis? Find your own game! Maybe you are so busy at work with people that you really need your time alone? Practise yoga in the privacy of your own home, or even in the gym, and you still won’t have to talk much. 

2. The rule of maximum

Let us say you have chosen running, so you decide to concentrate on this kind of sport to achieve a certain level of physical fitness. Set up the maximum workout goal you would like to reach every day. It has to be possible, do not start with impossible goals. Let us say you have decided your maximum running time is 1 hour daily. Now, every time you manage to complete one hour of running per day, you owe yourself a reward (be creative – it may be your favorite candy, or a new book, or wearing comfy pants to work, anything that makes you smile).

3. The rule of minimum

To achieve regularity and consistency in physical exercise, you have to do it every day. It is how we develop a habit – by doing something daily. Set up the minimum amount of time you will run in case you don’t feel like running one day. Let us say 5 minutes. Is it easy to run for five minutes? Yes! Is it easy to get yourself up from the sofa and go out to run for five minutes? Maybe it needs a little effort, but once you have done it, you are done for the day.

4. Choose a day off

Even though you are consistent in your practice, you must cut yourself some slack once a week – let’s say you choose Saturday as your absolutely no exercise day. On Saturdays you don’t have to think about running – even habitual development needs to have stops and rest.

5. Keep a record

Keep a running diary – you can print out the month calendar and stick it on your wall. Every day once you are done with your task, mark it on your calendar. 

6. Start in the morning

Mornings are the best to finish all the tasks for the day – this is when you are full of energy and determination. Wake up early, use your mornings wisely and you will learn to be more disciplined and enjoy life more.