healthy mindset towards sleep

Developing a Healthy Mindset Toward Sleep

Not everyone feels like sleeping is useful to them – many see it as a negative. The fact that most of us need a solid 7-8 hours of sleep to function at our best is a reality; fighting against it is losing a battle. A healthy mindset toward sleep is necessary to adopt appropriate practices to getting enough of it. Also, the quality and not only the duration of restful slumber matters too.

For people who fight against sleep and even resent it, flipping that around to adopt a positive mindset toward it is beneficial. This may not happen overnight, but it proves fruitful with time.

Here are a few ways to develop a healthier mindset toward sleep and find it to be a source of good.

See the Positive Qualities of Sleep

Rather than only seeing the lost time, know that sleep is necessary to be at your best.

When performance matters in work and you need to have energy left afterward, sleep can help with that. It’s hugely restorative for the mind and body.

Avoid seeing sleep as a net negative. Our bodies are not designed to power through for days without rest. Sure, that may be something that younger people manage, but anyone over the age of thirty will quickly find themselves getting worn down when trying to run on minimal sleep.

Avoid the Energy Drop-off

Without enough sleep, the body can neither recharge nor repair itself. You’ll also be susceptible to sudden energy declines because a lack of sleep eventually catches up with you.

Whether exercising and needing to get tasks completed later or wanting to avoid the energy lull that happens in the office after 3 PM, better sleep gives you the ability to power through the day.

Give Yourself the Right Minerals to Sleep Well

Do you feel frustrated because even when you go to bed, it means endless tossing, turning, and waking up in the morning feeling unrested? In this case, you might be lacking the essential minerals that your body is relying on.

Consuming a drink for sleep is a time-tested practice. Many grandmothers are fondly remembered for offering up a night-time beverage that always seemed to do the trick. Similarly, a drink that is infused with essential minerals can aid the body in sleeping well and restoring itself. We don’t always get enough minerals from our foods, so this can be a useful way to remedy that.

Avoid a Tendency to Be Irritable

When lacking in sleep, irritability is a trait that comes along with it. Being short with people because you’re feeling testy due to sleep deprivation won’t help you.

Life involves dealing with many people and building solid bonds. People will see you as someone to avoid when you’re consistently irritable; they won’t care why.

By making sleep more important, you can be your best self when communicating with new people and existing friends alike. This puts your best foot forward in creating meaningful friendships and good contacts in the business world too.

Increase Your Ability to Concentrate

In the workplace environment especially, the ability to concentrate is important to produce deep work that matters. Complex problems aren’t solved when you’re unable to concentrate fully on the problem or appear distracted.

Similarly, when becoming tired after a long day, focused concentration is waning at that stage. However, with sufficient quality sleep, the mind can still focus for longer before the day is over.

Keep a Sleep Journal

Sleep journals are useful to note down how much sleep you got and how you’re feeling once awake in the morning.

It doesn’t need to be extensive. A single sentence is enough information. Using a sleep journal can highlight when you’re feeling lackluster and track that feeling to its source. Also, it helps you to work on getting better sleep, rather than being resentful if you don’t achieve it.

By adjusting your attitude toward sleep, it’s possible to do a complete one-eighty on it. And by changing your approach to it, you can get it working for and not against you. Then you’ll be better prepared for the day ahead.

This is a collaborative post supporting our Peace In Peace Out initiative.


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