How Changing Meditation Place Can Affect Your Experience?

How Changing Meditation Place Can Affect Your Experience?

Every day I wake up in the morning, I realise how blessed I am to be alive and healthy. After I have sent my prayer, the second thing that I look forward to is meditation. It highly helps me get through the day without over-reacting to any situation that can tamper me in any way.

I normally practice meditation twice a day for 1 hour: 30 mins in the morning and 30 mins in the evening before I sleep.

I have always been practising meditation in my room, and it is a place where I feel more relaxed and comfortable, but I soon realised that sometimes I get distractions during meditation as I’ve always been doing it at the same place.

After I attended Peace Revolution Amandla Eastern & Southern Africa Fellowship in Nairobi this early August,  I experienced something quite new which was to meditate in different places. Especially when we meditated outside the room, we got close to the nature itself.

When meditating in the nature, I felt from my experience that it was very easy to connect to the centre and channel my thoughts to focus on meditation. When my mind started to wander, I immediately returned it to the centre.

It was an amazing feeling meditating close to the nature with fresh air and sunlight touching my skin. I realised that changing meditation place can also help improve meditation experience, and hence one can easily connect to the centre and avoid distractions if any arise.

Why don’t you try out the new experience today? Try meditation in a new place once in a while to enjoy that good, pleasant feeling.

1 Comment

  1. Kevin

    Wow, amazing insight on meditation.
    Thumbs up.

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