‘I got a new tribe’, experiences from Amandla Fellowship in Rwanda

My Exeperience During Amandla 2019 Fellowship
The reset button we all need: an experience from Alafia fellowship

On the morning of 11th September 2019, I packed my suitcases to begin the experience of a lifetime. Having completed the online 42-day inner peace time (IPT) journey on Peace Revolution platform, I was given the opportunity to participate in Alafia Youth Empowerment fellowship in Ivory Coast (Côte d’ivoire), which was based on achieving peace […]
عيش معانا التجربة

قبيل شهر، كنت من المشاركين في تدريب لإعداد مدربي التأمل واليقظه الذهنيه في مملكة تايلاند، وقد كان تدريبًا مختلفًا عن أي تدريب شاركت به في حياتي. ولهذا قررت أن اكتب سلسة من المذكرات عن تلك الرحله لتعيشوا معي لحظات من أهم الدروس الحياتيه والمبادئ التي استفدت منها هناك وغيرت من حياتي الكثير أول مذكراتي ستكون […]
Alafia II Fellowship: warm welcome, great impact

Everything that comes to an end marks in some form or another the beginning of a new. Alafia fellowship II has been an amazing, refreshing, and impactful event gathering 25 participants from 18 countries in Ivory Coast from 12th to 14th of September. In the following lines, I give an account of my experience hoping […]
Life-changing Scholarship Opportunities in Thailand

Just like those unexpected and wonderful things that happen in life, my cousin suggested me I take a look at an article. It was entitled “The Most exotic Scholarships of the World.” She emphasized that I was probably the only person she knew who would be interested in those kind of weird things. By weird, […]
رحلتي الى الداخل

يحدث ان يحصل لك أشياء في الحياة تكون مفصلية. وربما تصادف بعض البشر الذين يتركون اثرا في حياتك. لكن محاولة معرفة حقيقتك وسر سعادتك يكمن في معرفة الذات. يقول الحديث الشريف “من عرف نفسه فقد عرف ربه“. ومن هنا كانت مشاركتي في زمالة “هي الثانية” الإقليمية للنساء العربيات التابعة لمبادرة […]
Teach mindfulness and meditation alongside your regular transformation work with us!

Mindfulness meditation is increasingly becoming a powerful tool to bring awareness to the ever present peace that lies within us. Several people have gone to the East to learn these ancient tools and bring them home, to the west, and now, even African countries. Organizations and firms are beginning to recognize the salient fact that […]
How Changing Meditation Place Can Affect Your Experience?

Every day I wake up in the morning, I realise how blessed I am to be alive and healthy. After I have sent my prayer, the second thing that I look forward to is meditation. It highly helps me get through the day without over-reacting to any situation that can tamper me in any way. […]
Peace Revolution Brings Peace To Eastern Partnership Youth Forum

“Each of you are a factor and actor to make a change,” says Martine Reicherts, Director-General for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport at the European Commission, quoting Dalai Lama on her opening speech on the 3rd Eastern Partnership Youth Forum in Warsaw, Poland. The Forum gathered about 300 participants, including youth leaders, youth workers and […]
Join SEE Peace Fellowship pre-events in Serbia

Do you want to learn more about the SEE Peace Fellowship? Wonder how to apply and why this Fellowship could change your life? Join some of our pre-events where Peace Revolution meditation trainers guide a meditation session and introduce everyone to the concept of the SEE Peace Fellowship that will take place in Serbia from […]