How Meditation Helped Me to Be Confident

How Meditation Helped Me to Be Confident

Don’t you think that many people face stressful lives? We’re always worried about something. Work, studies, family, relationships… there are many different things that trigger our anxiety levels. Being always worried about so many issues can make us be even more susceptible to the less-meaningful-everyday-problems. And we finally end up stressed because of everything, and we feel irritated even for issues that we imagine coming.

Meditation Boosts Positive Emotions

Meditation Boosts Positive Emotions

The Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard has been acclaimed to be the happiest man on earth. Do you know by whom? Well, some cognitive scientists of the Laboratory for Affective Neuroscience in Wisconsin made this affirmation after showing that Matthieu Ricard, a highly experimented meditator, has extraordinarily high levels of upbeat activity and almost invisible levels of negative emotions.

Meditation Event in Latin America

The World Is Unreal, Except When It Is Deadly Boring

Some years ago I read 13,99€ by FrĂ©dĂ©ric Beigbeder, a French publicist who wrote this novel as a biography, which took him to get fired after its publication. Octave Parango, the main character and alter ego of the writer, is a successful creative executive in the advertising industry, one of man “who decide what the public will want tomorrow”.