10 Uncomfortable Things You Should Do to Feel Your Inner Strength
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10 Uncomfortable Things You Should Do to Feel Your Inner Strength

How do you find inner strength? Do you just sit down when you’re stressed, close your eyes and find it? Unfortunately, it doesn’t work quite that easily.

Meditation is a long journey. It’s not all that comfortable as it seemed before we tried it. At first, you’ll be dealing with the monkey mind. It won’t like being still. Your body will be giving you troubles, too. As you start getting more comfortable in the position, you’ll encounter another challenge: the things you’ve hidden deep inside. They will start coming out on surface. We know we need to do this. In order to grow, we need to deal with all things we refused dealing with. Meditation makes us stronger, but it requires strength, too.

Without strength, you lack self-confidence. You don’t believe things are getting any better. You don’t believe you’re strong enough to make a change.

We’ll reach that peaceful place, eventually. If we keep putting in the effort, the results will come. The journey to that place, however, is long and bumpy. You won’t be comfortable on that road. Inner peace doesn’t come for granted. You know what? That’s the beauty of it.

When you’re ready to work for it, you should start building up on your inner strength. We’ll list 10 uncomfortable things you should do to get there.

1. Clarify the Worst-Case Scenario

You don’t like your job, but you can’t find the strength to quit? What’s the worst thing that could happen? That’s an uncomfortable vision to have, is it? Have you heard of the term affective forecasting? It’s about predicting how you’ll feel in the future. Your present feelings prevent you from imagining how bad something will feel when things go wrong.

Okay, so imagine that worst scenario that would occur if you made a step forward. Chances are, the step will still move you forward, and that’s always a better position than staying in place.

2. Accept a Challenge

The comfort zone feels oh-so-good, but it’s not a good place to stay in. Why? Because it prevents us from growing. Without growth, life doesn’t really make sense.

Do something you’re not used to. Try new tastes. Meet new people. Travel to a random place you know nothing about
 You’ll become stronger just by stepping out of that comfort zone. You’ll prove to yourself that you were meant for big things.

3. Try Harder

You’re trying to accomplish something and things are not going as well as expected? In such situations, most of us are usually looking for an easy way out. What does a student do when they can’t complete a research paper? Outsourcing is a good thing when it helps you get better results, but you still have to do your part of the effort.

When you feel like you’ve tried and you’re still not strong enough, then try harder.

4. Do a Headstand

The journey to a headstand is not pleasant. You’ll have to beat the fear, which we naturally feel when someone tell us to get upside down. When you get into this position, however, you’ll realize you can do things you never thought you were capable of doing. You’re stronger than you thought.

5. Meditate Every Day

Meditate. For at least half an hour, every day. You can do it. You have time. Who doesn’t have 30 minutes for themselves? If you really don’t have that time, then it means you need meditation more than anyone. Make the time!

The seated position will be uncomfortable at first. Your mind will wander around. You won’t be able to control it. If this is your first time trying to meditate, you might start thinking: “This is not for me.” It is. Meditation is for everyone. You just need to be persistent, so you’ll allow the practice to make you stronger.

6. Remember the Times When You Were Strong

Life is an amplitude. We rise and fall, but we rise again. When we’re at the bottom, thinking of the moments when we were going strong is like a torture. It reminds us of the failure. Don’t have that attitude towards your own success. It should remind you that you’re strong. You’re still that person. You can find your strength again.

7. Just Do It

Are you overthinking things? That’s a mistake, which gets you settled in the comfort zone of doing nothing. Prove your self-confidence to yourself by taking action. Do not procrastinate. Do not overthink. Just do something to get out of the momentary situation that doesn’t make you happy.

8. Don’t Fall into Distractions

Let’s have some time off social media, shall we? Unless you absolutely need them for your work, start spending less time on these platforms. Try spending an entire week without them. You’ll realize you have time for exercise, meditation, and making plans. When you’re not distracted, you find time for things that make you stronger.

9. Stay Optimistic

This must be the hardest thing ever. The essence of being confident is believing that everything will be fine. It’s easier said than done. However, the more you keep trying, optimism becomes a habit. When you believe you deserve good things, the inner strength will come.

10. Live According to Your Values

That’s what really matters. When you’re making decisions, ask yourself: do you believe in what you’re doing? If it’s the right thing, nothing should stop you from doing it. Define your values and they will give you strength.

It’s important for all of us to keep working on our self-confidence and inner strength. It’s a never ending process, but you’ll see progress all the time. Just stay committed to your journey.



1 Comment

  1. 1.According to the persons normal thinking can’t it leave him or her more worse than before eg a person always with a bad altitude over athers?
    2.Is peace only the absence of war and figths? what coud be of a cold war?
    3.How can inner peace help a hungry person? can’t hunger be an obstacle of peace yet we know a lot of people may wish and have a will to practice/have inner peace but as Africans who mostly have such problems what should be a solution to this?
    and shoud we as peace agents have our inner peace time and use it manufacture solutions to fellows?what will be the meaning of inner peace now when we are doing it for each ather?
    and what steps do we think it is taking us to develop inner peace with in our selve and to every body?

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