3 Best Meditation Techniques: Finding What Works for You

Meditation isn’t a one-size-fits-all practice; it’s like a buffet offering different techniques. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of 3 BEST meditation techniques, and their benefits. Each method, such as THE BREATHING TECHNIQUE, provides a unique approach to achieving mindfulness and relaxation. Breathing technique involves observing your breath to bringing your […]
Do you want to take charge of your life? Here’s the right way to do it!

Are you so overloaded with managing the daily affairs of life that you feel you are not in charge? Do you easily experience mental stress? Does it seem like you are all caught up in life’s elevations, twists, and turns? If this is your situation, here’s an important fact you need to know: You don’t […]
Tips for Job Satisfaction: How to Think out of the Box?

If you think you’re a person who thinks out of the box, you may not be that yet. For me, the ones who can think out of the box normally do it without knowing. It’s a part of their lives so it happens automatically. Why can these people do it naturally? Because this type of […]
Tips for Job Satisfaction: Explore New Skill. Challenge yourself!

As I’m easily bored on the same old stuff if it keeps repeating without change or improvement, exploring new skills or new things is what I love to do. For example, at the age of 22, I could raise funds worth 1 million Thai baht and a lot more these days. Read more how a […]
Thoughts on humanity: we can do this together, if we are united

Since for as long as I can remember, I have been consumed with thoughts about humanity. What is it? Why is it often so terrifying yet wonderful at the same time, so incredibly sad yet absolutely joyful, so much suffering yet so much of it is thriving, and I think we could go on forever…saying […]
Como aprendi a projetar meus pensamentos

A meditação e o design são ferramentas criativas para inventar a si mesmo “Eu acabei de ter uma ideia! Uma grande ideia! Uau! Que ideia sensacional! Eu acho que vou ficar muito bem-sucedido com essa ideia!” Na área do design, e, bem, eu sou designer de produto, a gente conhece essa situação como a Síndrome do Amor […]
How I learned to design my thoughts

Meditation and design are creative tools to invent yourself “I just got an idea! A great idea! Wow! What a sensational idea! I think I’ll be very successful with this idea!” In the field of design, and, well, I’m an industrial designer, we know this situation as the “Love Syndrome at First Idea”. It is a […]
How Writing Helps Achieving Peace of Mind

People who are spending their lives in the 21st century are going through more stress as compared to the people of a previous age. Thus, the intensity of resolving the issues and helping others achieving peace and happiness has also minimized. It means that humanity lacks in the new generation. The result will be distress. […]
Why motivation and talent are myths: the life hack for achieving anything

One of the most frustrating phrases I could ever hear somebody say is “I wish I could do that”.
Comment développer de nouvelles compétences grâce à la méditation?

La méditation reste encore un tabou dans certaines cultures du monde. Même dans le cercle de ceux qui méditent de nos jours, beaucoup ne savent pas encore en quoi la méditation peut concrètement les aider. Dans cet article, je partage une partie de mes expériences après 5 ans de pratique de la méditation tout en […]