Life-changing Scholarship Opportunities in Thailand

Life Changing Scholarship Opportunities Thailand Meditation

Just like those unexpected and wonderful things that happen in life, my cousin suggested me I take a look at an article. It was entitled “The Most exotic Scholarships of the World.” She emphasized that I was probably the only person she knew who would be interested in those kind of weird things. By weird, […]

Indian Kindness: the Man Who Offered Me Coffee

“It will cost you 2200 rupees, ma’am,” a shopkeeper says. “2200 rupees for an adapter?” I ask once more, and I am not sure whether those are the rupees that worry me or the fact that this comes in the worst time possible: my life in India is unsettled as never before, I am jobless, […]

Lesson 2: Receive “the Present” of Each Day

Me, meditating in the Mooktawan Sanctuary

We heard a lot in conferences, quotes, Facebook images that we have to enjoy each day, but from my experience actually doing it is quite difficult. As my master LP John from Peace Revolution said: “Is easy, if you make it easy.”