How to Harness the Healing Power of Plants: A Guide to Gardening for Mental Health

Many people enjoy gardening and watching their efforts pay off in multitudes of fruits and flowers. Its benefits are well-documented, which is why individuals turn to it to boost their overall well-being. Caring for plants can do wonders for physical and mental health. The healing capability of gardening can help you cope with stress and […]
How Listening to One’s Body Can Prevent Serious Mental Health Disorders

I would like to share the story of my life regarding mental health that affected my physical condition. I was working as a Technical and Administration Staff for an institution. At the time, I had a task as a Liaison Officer. I guided some people from African countries to do business matching in my home […]
Enriching Your Life Through Physical Activity

Not only can exercise help you live a longer life, but it also helps you thrive and develop that important lust for life. It can boost your psychological and emotional functioning, as well as your productivity and interpersonal connections. It also boosts your cardiovascular and muscular health by warding off a variety of diseases. Weight […]
Mental health: an important element in our life

In our daily life, we prioritize many important things in order to meet the goals and dreams that we want to achieve. Among the important things are finishing work assignments, meeting our friends and lastly, taking care of our physical well-being. In fact, we often keep forgetting an important part of ourselves, which is the […]
6 Ways Sleep Promotes Happiness and Tranquility

In our modern world, sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice for a whole host of other activities. We’ll give sleep up for a late night out, another episode of our favorite TV series, another chapter of an interesting book, getting extra work done, spending time with friends and family. In making this sacrifice, […]
9 good habits that can improve your mental health

Your mental health is often the only aspect that is neglected during tough times. While trying to keep up with education and job, business and friends, romance, and fitness, there is a solid possibility of an individual losing sight of their mental and emotional health. Under the circumstances the planet has suffered because of the […]
10 Tools for Mindfulness in Youth Work (ERASMUS+)

“If you want to learn something, read about it, if you want to understand something, write about it, if you want to master something, teach it.” Yogi Bhajan Yoga, meditation and sharing circles EU funded ERASMUS+ programme, which supports educational projects in Europe and partner countries, has been recently catching the wave of mindfulness. Training courses and […]
Meditation: your best route to peace of mind today

From time immemorial, meditation has been an extensive practice. It’s a practice by which a state of mind can be achieved that calms our cognitive clamoring. Thereby, it helps decrease our stress levels. It has helped people for ages. The history of meditation can be drawn back to 5000 B.C. It’s predominant prevalence was found […]
7 Tips to focus on your Mental Health in 2020

Your mental health is as important as your physical health. Keep in mind that there is a huge correlation between the two. When one of these things is not in its optimal condition, the other one is certainly affected. So, if you are planning to improve your physical health this year, make sure that you […]
Be Good for Goodness Sake: how behaving well to others can benefit your mental health

Many pieces of literature, music, and art focus on kindness with the message being “be kind to others, and they will be good to you in return.” But being kind to others can also benefit you directly. In this article, we will explore the positive habits and actions that can improve your mental health and […]