Join SEE Peace Fellowship pre-events in Serbia

Join SEE Peace Fellowship pre-events in Serbia

Do you want to learn more about the SEE Peace Fellowship? Wonder how to apply and why this Fellowship could change your life? Join some of our pre-events where Peace Revolution meditation trainers guide a meditation session and introduce everyone to the concept of the SEE Peace Fellowship that will take place in Serbia from September 28 to October 1.

The first pre-event “Meditate with us” was organized in Belgrade on June 4th enjoying a peaceful Sunday morning in Tasmajdanski park. The next pre-event will take place at Futoški park in Novi Sad, Serbia on June 10th at 11 o’clock. Please see the event link here.

All pre-events are free of charge and open for everyone who wants to try meditation, as well as learn about the SEE Peace Fellowship. The Fellowship is organized for the 3rd time in South East Europe region gathering youth activists and youth workers who want to learn to use meditation and mindfulness as a tool to deal with challenges within peace-building and youth work. The Fellowship covers accommodation, food and has no participation fee.

Please see more information about the SEE Peace Fellowship here.