Have you ever felt that everything is out of order and you need some time off? Time off from work, studies, family, just some time to be on your own and enjoy. This is the moment when it’s good to spend some time in natural environment and get back to the same rhythm with the vibes of our planet.
I have spent the last two weeks in the village in the middle of nowhere in Ukraine, no toilet or bathroom indoors, simple hut and hammocks, using a sleeping bag to keep myself warm at night. During this time I realised several things:
1. Cold is rejuvenating
I met a lady who does projects to promote winter swimming, and she inspired me to start dipping into the cold waters of the Zbruch river. The secret is – when you are going into the water, you need to slowly exhale. At 8 degrees Celcius outside, I am not sure how cold was the water, but it almost burnt my skin, and made the blood circulate fast trying to warm me up. And there I stand, naked in the cold, feeling more alive than ever before.
2. Yellow is soothing

Ever since I read in Hatha Yoga Pradipika that one should practice yoga inside the house, I have been trying to follow this rule, but when you are out in the fields, and the magical mist is all over the place, it feels like magic to practice yoga outside. Autumn is the most magical season for me, it’s like mother Earth playing around with watercolours and decorating my world, just to prepare for a temporary death. Enjoying autumn and enjoying yellow and red leaves is the responsibility of everyone who loves themselves. Go enjoy some autumn if it’s still around!
3. Fresh air is great for slimming
I did not follow any special diet, in fact I ate all kinds of food that I normally consider not so healthy – noodles, pig fat, fried pancakes, sandwiches. When you breath fresh air all day long, it makes you want to move and it burns your calories even when you lay in a hammock. I started moving more – morning jogging and climbing around in the cave, and I started eating more but, but still losing weight. Nature puts you in a shape automatically.
4. Earth is healing
Being close to the earth makes a human healthier and more grounded. I remember myself in an apartment on the fifth floor, lost about what I should do and sad about the end of summer. When I am disconnected from earth, I start eating a lot of sugar as if trying to fill in the emptiness. When in the countryside, one can simply play with cats all day long, plant strawberries, run by the river, hang in a hammock or walk barefeet – and no matter what you do, it will heal your body and your soul.
5. Nature puts you in touch with yourself
Everything in nature is harmony. When one is surrounded by so much harmony outside, a desire appears to create harmony inside. Mindfulness and awareness is indeed a lot of work, and it is not always easy to be honest with yourself, but creating clarity is one of the most rewarding occupations in life.
What are you waiting for? While the autumn is still gold, make yourself a cup of tea and go out into the forest, sit around, pick mushrooms, meditate, and contemplate. Let us know how it feels.
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