Here’s Why You Must Add a Little Green to Your Diet

A healthy mind and body are possible because of a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you are eating a healthy, balanced diet but leading a sedentary lifestyle, then you cannot expect to have a quality life. Similarly, if you have an active lifestyle, where you exercise regularly and get a good share of sunlight and […]

Creating The Perfect Healthy Vegan Diet

With vegan diets becoming more and more the healthy alternative to the meat eating mainstream, health-conscious eaters are looking at how to make meat and dairy-free products a part of their daily lives without missing out on nutritional necessities. Whether you want to lose weight or help control your blood sugar, the vegan diet has […]

سبعة مشروبات بديلة للقهوة الصباحية

صباحكم سعيد مع بداية كل صباح قبل العمل وحتى في أيام العطلات، نبحث قبل وجبة الإفطار عن مشروب القهوة السحري حتى نستطيع الاستيقاظ والانتباه أكثر.  -Metabolism Rate-لا ننكر فوائد شرب القهوة في الصباح، حيث أنها تعمل على زيادة معدل الحرق بالإضافة إلى تقليل فرص الإصابة بالأورام الخبيثة مثل سرطان الكبد وسرطان الأمعاء، والعديد من الفوائد […]

How I started to run for my life

depression help

Wanting to die is so easy. I have wanted to die almost every day of my adult life. (I guess getting into adulthood  is a little more difficult for drama queens). So yes, I have tried to kill myself in many lazy ways, like smoking everything, drinking everything, eating everything, especially rubbish. Yeah, rubbish was […]

Need A Break from A Stressful Week? Turn to Your Favorite Comfort Food

Food is one of the greatest pleasures of life. The sheer pleasure of sitting down with a plate of your favorite foods, combined with a related activity that ranges from the highly social (sharing a meal with others) to the ultimately antisocial (curling up alone with a movie, TV show, or a book), is unrivaled […]

Eating Healthy On A Budget

Many people have stated that high costs are one of the biggest reasons why they hesitate to eat healthier meals. Eating nutritious foods is essential for living healthy, but so is managing your expenses. There are several things that you can do in order to eat healthy on a budget. 1. Do not Buy Prepackaged […]

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Indigestion

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Whether you’re experiencing severe symptoms that disrupt your daily life or you just have a lingering discomfort, indigestion can completely pull you out of the present moment. And though these conditions are common topics, many people suffer from heartburn and other forms of indigestion for years without finding a solution that works for them. In […]

Nutritional Tips for Hectic Life

We live life at a frantic pace these days. The relentless demands of work schedules, meetings, errands, appointments, and the overlapping parade of children’s activities can sometimes make us feel as if we are being driven by a whip from one destination to the next. With no time to think, these brutal schedules are often […]

Best Organic Foods That Prevent Cancer

Cancer is one of the greatest health concerns of modern times. Not only does this terrible disease have a high morbidity rate, but even the most easily treatable cancers can be very expensive and time-consuming to remove from the body. For these reasons, much research has been done into the possibility of preventing cancer through […]

Fruits That Keep You Healthy

Fruits are by far nature’s most flavoursome sources of nutrition. These deliciously packed eatables contain singleton or a combination of vitamins, minerals, and folate that enhance physical and mental well-being. A step ahead of fruits are super fruits that also contain unique combinations of antioxidants, phytonutrients and polysaccharides that not only improve physical well-being but […]