A Simple Way to Boost Productivity and Creativity

Have you ever felt unproductive or short of creativity? I guess this happens to all of us at some point in life even when we have a genius talent in what we do. There’s just this moment in your career or time of the day when you feel the ideas are not coming forth as […]

Finding contentment in the midst of the Anglophone crisis

It’s not only a gunshot that kills people during crisis. Sometimes people may die because of too much worry which leads to adverse health conditions. It’s alright to worry, but worrying too much about circumstances we cannot control is dangerous to our health. Fear from gunshots I come from the minority English speaking region of […]

Les cinq valeurs universelles des personnes qui réussissent

  J’ai grandi en regardant à la télévision beaucoup de gens qui réussissent. Quand je suis entré à l’université, j’ai commencé à travailler à temps partiel pour des complexes d’hébergements où j’ai pu rencontrer beaucoup de ces personnes. J’étais toujours curieux de savoir comment ils sont arrivés à ce niveau de réussite. Très souvent, j’allais […]

The Universal Values Behind Successful People

I grew up watching a lot of successful people on TV. When I entered university, I started working part-time for the hospitality industry where I got to meet many of these people too. It always interested me how they got to be where they were. So on a faithful day, a friend of mine named […]

The Art of Improvisation

Have you ever planned something so well only for the plan to be upset in the last minute as a result making you feel confused? Many of us would love things in life to always go as planned. We work so hard in calculating every step on the way with the hope that everything will go […]

Comment développer une mentalité «anti-balle» pendant la crise camerounaise?

Que faites-vous lorsque votre ville natale devient un lieu en proie au chaos constant? La première pensée est de s’enfuir. Mais pour aller où? Nous ne pouvons pas contrôler tout ce qui se passe à l’extérieur, mais la seule chose que nous pouvons contrôler, c’est notre esprit (état d’âme). La façon dont nous réagissons aux […]

Developing a Bullet Proof Mind Through Cameroon Crisis

What do you do when your hometown has become a place of constant chaos? Sometimes the first thought is to run away. But running to where? We can’t control everything that happens externally but the one thing we can control is our mind. How we react to situations depends on the quality of our mind. I […]

How Can Music Sustain Peacebuilding?

The existence of music is almost as old as the evolution of a human. Words in melodious sounds used in conveying information to a particular group of people constitute the entity of music as a cultural symbol. Different types of music are peculiar for different cultures. For example, the Yorubas* have their orin ibile (traditional […]

Pourquoi nous continuons à échouer en Amour

Le concept d’amour a existé aussi longtemps que la race humaine. Pendant des siècles, les chercheurs ont essayé de trouver différentes définitions de l’amour, mais cela ne suffit jamais en raison de la complexité de ce mot ou sentiment magique. Tellement de fois j’ai essayé de comprendre ce que signifie ce mot, mais il n’a […]

Why We Keep Failing At Love

The concept of love has existed as long as the human race. For centuries, scholars have tried to come up with different definitions of love but it never suffices due to the complexities involved in this magical word or feeling. So many times I’ve tried to understand what this word means but it has never […]