“Mi mamá me mima” o cómo definir la definición de amor más puro

Nunca vas a sentir el amor incondicional hasta que te conviertes en mamá, dicen por ahí… Me he inspirado en esta frase que aprendes a leer en tus primeros años de vida: “mi mamá me mima” ya que es de las primeras cosas que aprendes a leer. Has pronunciado mamá desde que tienes memoria Probablemente mamá […]

Excusas Para no Alcanzar tus Sueños

A veces la curiosidad no es suficiente para crear nuevos hábitos o alcanzar tus objetivos y sueños. Nos llenamos de excusas, las cuales, probablemente solo sean una forma disfrazada de nuestros temores o simplemente estar en una zona muy segura de tu vida. Pero, ¿Qué podemos hacer para salir de nuestra zona de confort y […]

4 Easy Ways To Release After-Office Stress

Once we get into the economic society and establish a daily routine, our life becomes pretty predictable: wake up, shower, dress, eat breakfast, go to office, come back home. How do you feel once your work day is over? Do you sometimes find yourself still thinking about the work when you could actually be giving […]

Mi Lucha Interna Del Día A Día: Practicar Ashtanga Yoga

Cada mañana suena la alarma a las 6:00 a.m. Sin abrir los ojos y, supongo que en ese lapso de solo algunos segundos, recurren a mi mente mil y un pensamientos y excusas para no levantarme. Finalmente abro los ojos y mi primer pensamiento consciente es “PAIN” en español “dolor” (y es en inglés por […]

The Partner Fellowship in Latin America is coming soon!

WPI under the Peace Revolution project has promoted many fellowships for youth people. For the second time, WPI is inviting our partners to this fellowship specially made for them. The retreat will take place in Mexico from November 30rd until December 4th in Casa Azul in Tepoztlan, a charming village near Mexico City.

12 things to be present and happier than before

This year started with the plan to volunteer 3 months in Thailand at Peace Revolution HQ’s office. What it started as 3 months has became the whole year traveling and learning things, that’s why i took inspiration to write 12 things to stay more on the present moment and live happier than before.

Things to Keep in Mind for a Mindful Travel

Have you ever thought when does the travel actually begin? It starts when you grab your things to take the road. Here are some mindful tips to be effective. Don’t waste any more time start your adventure.