Here Comes Love Again… Wait, Really?
On desiring infinity while experiencing finitude. Thoughts on love. Part I. In our practical life, we love people, pets, stuff, nature, art etc. We experience this feeling not only in romantic contexts but in many others – or at least we can be open to feel love in multiple ways. However, the fact that we love […]
Práctica Local, Amor Global: una guía para Tiempos Líquidos
Sobre mantener la cordura en tiempos de cambios. Parte III (parte I, parte II) Cuando vivimos experiencias transformativas tales como un viaje importante, cambiarse de país, comenzar una nueva carrera profesional, ser padre/madre, enamorarse o desenamorarse, dejamos de ser “alguien”, el que éramos antes, y entramos en una nueva dimensión de nosotros que es desconocida […]
Practice Locally, Love Globally: Survival Guide For Liquid Times
On staying sane in times of change. Part III (part I , part II ) When we go through transformative experiences such as an important trip, moving to another country, starting a new career path, becoming a parent, falling in/out of love, – we stop being “somebody”, the one we were before. We enter into a […]
No Perderé Mi Agarre – Nota Desde la Conciencia
Sobre mantener la cordura en tiempos de cambios. Parte II. (parte I aquí) Si hay algo en lo que diferentes filosofías, cosmovisiones, sistemas espirituales y cosmologías coinciden respecto de la realidad, es que el cambio es la única certeza en este mundo. Impermanencia lo llaman en Oriente, cambio en otros lugares. Como sea que esto […]
I Won´t Lose My Grasping – Note From Consciousness
On staying sane in times of change. Part II. (part I here) If there is one thing in which different philosophies, worldviews, spiritual systems, and cosmologies coincide regarding reality is that change is the only certainty in this world. Impermanence – name it in eastern philosophies, change – in other places. However you understand this, […]
Quién Eres Cuando Las Cosas Cambian?
Sobre mantener la cordura en tiempos de cambios. Parte I. Aunque vivimos nuestras vidas con un grado considerable de certeza respecto a quiénes somos y los roles que cumplimos en nuestra familia y sociedad, hay momentos en los que nos sentimos ajenos a nosotros mismos. Sentimos que o nos perdimos un poco, o que nos […]
Who Are You When Things Change?
On staying sane in times of change. Part I. Although we live our lives with a considerable degree of certainty regarding of who we are and the roles we play in our family and society, there are moments in which our own self seems foreign to us. We either feel that we have kind of […]
On the Discipline of Love
When it’s comes to any kind of relationship, we all have something to say. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are, for sure you have some ideas on love and you share them in many different ways. With so much discussions going around this topic, a mindful, realistic and integral perspective is something that is missing.