Being A Woman: No One Told Us What Empowerment Is About

Being truly herself is the most empowering, enriching and loving experience that a woman can have (we can add “a man” here too). And at the same time, it is something that we need to learn. It may sound strange to think about “learning to be yourself” because one is supposed to be oneself all […]
Bring The Real Love In, Baby!

On desiring infinity while experiencing finitude. Thoughts on love. Part II. Talking and writing about unconditional love is not difficult. What is tricky is to bring that magnificent, metaphysical love into our daily lives, into our relationships. That´s another thing. In moments of crisis, we get into this place where love is not pleasant and […]
How to Make Objective Decisions

We make decisions every day; some are very important, others – less so. They range from what to have for lunch or how to spend your weekend to leaving your job or having a child. It’s surprising then how little attention we pay to one of decision-making’s biggest variables: our own emotions. Consistency is the […]
When The “Self” Bloomed Within The Silence

It took me two months of reflecting, deep thinking, waves of depression, diving into the unknown, meditating, re-reading my journal, dying & re-birthing in order to arrive to the decision of transferring to you my journey to self- realization which is a process of life, light and bliss. I will start with one critical stop: Global Peace […]
Plan Your Happiness

Do you think it is possible to plan your happiness? Let’s see. There are some things we can do to make sure we are as happy as possible. This is mostly about our self development, inner work and attitudes. There are also some things out of our control – such as natural disasters, actions of […]
5 Ways Writing Can Lead You to Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a technique that helps you let go of your worries and concerns, and live in the here and now. If you find you’re often upset or anxious, then mindfulness can help you let go of the ‘what ifs?’ and come back to the present. Writing can be a fantastic way of practising mindfulness, […]
Bridge Peace Fellowship 2017

Bridge Peace Fellowship 2017 took part in Rustavi from March 16 to 19 in Georgia gathering 27 participants, a team of 5 facilitators and organisers and a monk from Thailand. This year 15 countries from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia were represented at the Bridge fellowship. Participants meditated, communicated and shared a lot, and […]
Peace Revolution Meditation Tour “Peace In Peace Out” in Latvia

From cultural centres to medieval castles, from remote villages to vibrant cities, Peace Revolution for the first time will stop in Latvia to spread the mission of PIPO through a meditation tour Peace In Peace Out (Miers Tevī, Miers Apkārt) organized from December 1 to 11 with the Teaching Monk Luang Phi John Paramai from […]
Find your meaning by breathing.

Does your life have meaning? If you are anything like me then you try to distract yourself (which is made easier with social media) whenever this question to mind. It’s easier to watch cat videos than have the ‘talk’ with ourselves. It’s similar to the performance evaluation with your boss except that it’s not compulsory […]
On the Discipline of Love

When it’s comes to any kind of relationship, we all have something to say. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are, for sure you have some ideas on love and you share them in many different ways. With so much discussions going around this topic, a mindful, realistic and integral perspective is something that is missing.