Understanding the Power of Giving

In this article, I want to share some information about the power of giving without attachment to the final outcome. When our mind is depending on a certain result and we don’t get that result, we tend to feel disappointed and we lose the self-motivation to continue the journey of giving.  Have you ever wondered […]

3 Keys to Build Happy and Sustainable Relationships

Relationships either build or break people’s lives. It is important to note that life without our family, friends and surroundings can be incomplete. How to relate to people and surroundings in a way that makes us happy and keep the world a better place? Here are 3 keys on improving relationships around us. 1. Giving attracts […]

The Power of Giving

Giving can have different motives. People tend to give out of excess, what they feel useless, or when they want to create space for new things and clean up the mess. They may also give because they feel uncomfortable keeping something. In these situations, the recipient becomes a dumping site, and no feeling of affection […]


يقول الله عز وجل: “لَن تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ”. المعطي؛ اسم من أسماء الله الحسنى، ويروى أنّ رسول الله (ص) ما سأله أحد شيئًا إلّا وأعطاه. للعطاء أنواع عدّة، ففي بعض الأحيان يكون المُعطَى علمًا أو مالًا أو جاهًا أو دمًا أو جهدًا أو وقتًا.  فالسلوك الإنساني والتعاطف مع الآخر وإعطائه الوقت لسماع شكواه […]

What is Your Motive for Giving?

I read somewhere that ‘it is easier for smaller communities to live in peace and harmony than bigger communities.’ I cannot attest to the truism of this, but I know from personal experience that the less we have, the happier we become. It is normal to find people in my community giving to the poor […]

Kick Consumerism, Give Peace

The way North Americans celebrate the holidays has inspired scrutiny for decades now, ever since big retailers realized they could capitalize on the tradition of holiday gift giving. Ho-ho-ho, give us your money. On a personal level, the holidays are a celebration of joy, abundance, and community. But the outer manifestation of all that? Shopping […]