Get A Life Advice From A Thai Buddhist Monk

Get A Life Advice From A Thai Buddhist Monk

see-summit-2016-cfa-92Do you often struggle to overcome obstacles and problems in life? Wander how to let go pain and achieve your goals? Would like to know more about the mission of your life? How about asking these questions to a Thai Buddhist monk? From December 15 to 18, the Meditation Clinic will be organized as a part of the South East Europe (SEE) Peace Summit at the Continental Hotel in Tirana where two Bhuddist monks and meditation teachers from Thailand – Venerable John Paramai Dhanissaro and Venerable Pasura Dhantamano – will be offering private and group sessions to anyone who would like to get a fresh perspective on their life.

Both Teaching Monks have been leading meditation and mindfulness for self-development, personal growth and empowerment for more than ten years all around the world. During the Meditation Clinic – regarded as a “life changing” and “turning point” experience by many – the wise Buddhist monks will offer to discuss a vast range of questions: (1) meditation and self-development; (2) how to overcome obstacles and problems in life; (3) tools to discover your mission in life; (4) daily discipline and achieving goals; (5) how to manage your responsibilities and enjoy life; (6) how to let go of a problem; (7) how to be happy right here right now; (8) how to deal with pain; (9) if you practice meditation you can ask about your experience and get guidance; (10) how to remain peaceful in everyday life; (11) practice that you can do to improve your relationship with family and friends; (12) learn about Theravada Buddhist monk’s life; (13) or suggest your own topic/question to be discussed.

There are three different tickets to book a Meditation Clinic:
Individual meditation clinic (one-to-one with a monk: 30 min) – 100 EUR (50 EUR/person special offer only until 20th October, 80 EUR/person only until 1st November or buying participation tickets)

Group meditation clinic 3-5 people (30 min) 25 EUR/person (20 EUR only until 1st November or buying participation tickets)

Group meditation clinic 10 people (60 min) 15 EUR/person (12 EUR only until 1st November or buying participation tickets)

The Bhuddist monks speak English, however translation from Albanian is available upon request at no additional fee.

The monk doesn’t charge for his teachings and neither makes a profit. All the money paid for Meditation Clinic will go to cover expenses incurred from having a Buddhist teaching monk flying from Thailand to Albania and his stay here.

Venerable John Paramai Dhanissaro (Supadulchai), referred to as “Luang Phi John”, was born in Bangkok and received both his Bachelor and Master degrees in Computer Engineering from Chulalongkorn University and Asian Institute of Technology. In 2003 he then furthered his studies and completed his PhD in Telematics in Norway. During his PhD study, he became greatly inspired and developed much interest in meditation. In 2008 Luang Phi John decided to ordain as a Theravada Buddhist monk in Thailand, and was subsequently invited to join Peace Revolution project as a meditation instructor.

Venerable Pasura Dhantamano was born in Thailand and has over 25 years of meditation experience. He received a Master’s degree in International Relations and has conducted meditation workshops and retreats in countries all over the world. Phra Pasura Dantamano acts as the head teaching monk, lead advisor, and curriculum developer of the Peace Revolution project. He constantly travels throughout North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia to lead retreats, trainings, workshops, and presentations. He is also responsible for organizing, advising, location-scouting, hospitality management, & conducting various religious ceremonies and trainings – e.g. Novice Ordination Programs, ‘V-Star’ Youth Morality Development, ‘World Peace Ethics Contest’, Vesak Floating Lantern Ceremony – in various countries throughout Asia, Africa, & Europe. Throughout the calendar year, Phra Pasura Dantamano aids the WBSY with organization / coordination in event planning, development, networking, peace building and meditation teaching, as well as advising for its many functions and youth outreach projects.

SEE Peace Summit is organized by the World Peace Initiative Foundation, an international organization that promotes the culture of peace in the world. The aim of the Summit is to engage young open-minded leaders and support their growth as change makers to effectively contribute to the region’s sustainable and inclusive development.

The Summit will include engaging activities, meditation, yoga sessions, lectures and discussions providing the participants with new skills for non-violent resistance, peace education, enhanced creativity and stress-management. It is a unique combination of a meditation retreat and a conference, which will bring about a disruptive idea that world peace can be built through inner peace and self-development, confirming that individuals are responsible for and capable of making a change in their communities.