Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.

The very first time when I heard about meditation happened many years ago when I was 16. I had been introduced to the world of deeper understanding, although back then I have been too young to comprehend. I remember that I was attracted by this secret power called meditation. People who meditated seemed to be […]
After I quit my job I have found the light to guide me

It was back in the beginning of 2015 when I decided to quit my office job, which has become a routine and stopped boosting my self-development and giving me satisfaction. I realized that more than that I also needed to ‘restart the system’, in the way we restart our computers, with the only exception that […]
I just close my eyes to learn about myself

The gift of stillness continues to remind me of who I truly am. I appreciate the depth, the teaching, the encouragement and the humor that this retreat has brought me and the people…must not forget this gift.
Lessons of Meditation on a Piano Keyboard.

My meditation experience in Mooktawan was very special for several different reasons. Before this experience, I have been meditating for many years, but never very often and always trying different kinds of meditation. The year before the retreat I was more focused on the Buddhist kind of meditation and was meditating almost every day.
Meditation, not as a task but as a need.

One of my friends asked me to take a look at the peace revolution web page, as a new thing it made me curious. I registered and watched the first video and answered the questions carefully. I went to my friend, who introduced me this website, and I asked a lot of questions about what I should […]
How Meditation Changed my Life
A few years ago, still as a student at the Catholic University Institute of Buea, I came in contact with what changed my life for good. Working and studying full time I knew I had to get help with my depression. I recognized how unfair it was to my family to allow myself to be […]
I am from Ghana and this is my meditation experience
I am Fulgence Niyonkuru, living in Ghana. I came to know about Peace Revolution in 2012 but I got involved with Peace Revolution in 2013 and I have been active peace rebel, Peace agent, peace coach ever since. I have heard lots experiences to share regarding the journey of my inner peace building through the […]
Meditation, the journey towards inner peace

We live in a wonderful world, surrounded by the beauty of nature and people who love and care about us. But till the time we understand, recognize and appreciate all the amazing moments which we live in, we skip many important and beautiful trices, without understanding the value of it.
The journey to true peace

The sun never sets as the day never rest thinking about life and worrying about the future. The worries were translated into the mind and led high tension with unbearable stresses which led into ulcers. The days become harder as life pain keep sucks. I did not realize that I was worrying and stressing myself […]
Exploring my inner world

I knew about meditation before discovering Peace Revolution, but at that time, I was not that disciplined to meditate every day. So, Peace Revolution not only helped me cultivate discipline but also, gives me a totally different method to calm my mind.