So, how to start to write about how to star to meditate, again?
Definitely, the only way is simply doing it. So here I am, working on Saturday and trying to find a way to organise my head. How it is possible to accept plenty of things to do, as working extra time some weekends, act as a bridesmaid for a friend, eating with friends and family, cook and try a new diet, and still not be able to find a time of introspection?
As the days goes by, my feeling of letting something unfinished consumes me. It is not an incomplete task of this material world. It is something which grows as a feeling of blame.
What to do?
An idea, to tie up all the loose ends in my head, came up when I received the e-mail invitation to join the Peace Blog. As I like to write, I already know the Sabai feeling, and I care about a better place to live, I decided to post my attempt to get back into meditation practice and writing.
I will use both, meditation and writing, as an experiment and a personal therapy. Who knows, with a little bit of luck maybe I could inspire someone to try this.
I became a Peace Agent in 2011. Even if I go to some activity when the monk travels here, I feel disconnected with the practice of meditation. I don’t practice this frequently and my mind needs to be washed from thoughts and perceptions of all kind. I feel like a person who never tried this before. When I will finally relearn to reach my center, I will be as an observer of my old me.
I think this process to get back into meditation is in fact how to get to the basics of ourselves. We’ll see.